

The Application of Discourse Analysis in English Writing Teaching in Senior High School

【作者】 陈洪英

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 语篇是由一系列连续的话段或句子构成,传达某种具有交际价值意义的语言整体。语篇能力是书面英语交际能力的直接反映。即使学习者有一定的词汇、语法等语言基础知识,但没有驾驭语篇的能力,尤其是通过书面形式,就很难有效地表达自己的思想,实现交际目的。因此,语篇能力是英语写作教学中的重要培养目标。目前的高中英语写作教学大多忽视了对语篇能力的培养,写作教学的重点只停留于句子层面,学生的写作中就难免会出现语篇方面问题。如何提高学生的写作能力,是摆在我们中学英语教师面前的一个重大课题。本文以语篇理论为基础,借鉴了学术界一些相关研究成果,通过写作教学实验,旨在探讨语篇分析理论对高中英语写作教学的影响,探求基于语篇分析的写作模式和语篇写作训练策略,寻求提高中学生书面表达能力的有效途径。 首先,本文分析了当前高中英语写作教学现状,指出由于写作教学重视程度不够和方法不当,导致学生在写作中存在着语篇结构不清,语篇模式混乱、逻辑衔接语缺乏,上下文不连贯、文章照应不当,语意欠清晰等诸多语篇方面问题。依据新英语课程标准对高中学生语篇能力所提出的明确目标,在国内外有关本论题研究成果的基础上,笔者提出了用语篇分析理论来指导高中写作教学,是提高中学生写作能力的有效途径这一假设。 本文还介绍了一些与高中书面表达有关的语篇分析理论,如对语篇和语篇分析的概念进行阐述以及对这两个概念在本文的意义进行界定,但笔者着重探讨了语篇分析的方法。虽然语篇分析在近年来成为人们日益瞩目的课题,但由于研究者对语篇分析持有不同的目的,使用的方法大相径庭。本文主要是对语篇的宏观结构和微观结构两个方面来分析,称之为宏观法和微观法。宏观法包括对语篇结构和语篇策略的分析,微观法是对语篇的语法手段、词汇手段和逻辑联系语进行分析。在阐述以上语篇理论概念时,笔者对高中英语课文进行了认真的分析,所以其中大量实例都来自于高中英语课文,主要是高三课文。翁硕士学位论文入1入S’fER’S飞1 ILSIS 然后,本文认真研究了语篇理论与高中英语写作教学的关系。笔者认为,语篇分析理论为写作和写作教学提供了坚实的基础,语篇分析有助于写作技能的培养。在写作时,无论是谋篇布局、连句组段,还是遣词造句都离不开语篇理论的指导。为此,笔者创建了语篇分析写作模式,把写作活动的整个过程分为写作前、写作、写作后三个阶段。写作前阶段主要是指对即将要写的文章进行审题、构思、列提纲。写作指的是在写作时要从语篇的角度来认真选词、造句和段落展开,而不是传统意义上的遣词造句。写作后主要是指文章的初稿完成后的修改。修改时,学生应牢一记修改不仅意味着简单地修改语法、拼写、标点符号和其他机械性方面的错误,应该把更多精力放在文章的语篇方面的问题。为了理论联系实际,结合高中阶段写作的特点,本文还探讨了语篇分析写作训练策略,即仿写和缩写。仿写包括段落仿写和文章仿写两种。段落仿写主要是模仿范文上的主题句是怎样扩展成段落的。文章仿写主要是指模仿范文的语篇类型及其结构进行短文写作。缩写是用简要的话语对一篇较长文章的主题和要旨的再现。在以上的评述中,本文附有样例供教师在实际写作教学中操作或模仿。 为了进一步论证语篇理论对高中英语写作教学的有效性,本文采用了实证研究的手段,对被试实施了一次历时三个月的语篇分析写作教学实验。语篇分析写作教学的具体方法是采用“阅读—讨论—写作”综合教学模式。先分析范文的整体框架结构和段落层次,随后对范文进行微观分析,如分析其语法、词汇、逻辑衔接手段.。阅读完后,教师结合所阅读的材料给出书面表达题或者让学生对所阅读的文章进行仿写、缩写等,无论何种形式,学生都分小组讨论如何写法,即审题、构思、写提纲。最后,进入实质性的写作阶段,这时,教师指导学生采用语篇分析写作模式,即写作前、写作、写作后模式。教学实验中,笔者一穿插了大量语篇写作实践训练,并对被试进行了三次测试。笔者采用统计软件SPSSS,O对三次写作测试所得的实验数据进行统计和分析,结果表明是运用语篇分析进行写作教学能明显提高中学生的书面表达能力[与对照组比较〕。;这些数据均进行了班内、班间t检验。 最后,在全面阐述了语篇理论对写作的影响的基础上,根据以上实验的结肇硕士学位论文MAS住R’5 Tl任515果,笔者提出了改进当前高中英语写作教学的几点建议,以提高中学生的英语写作能力。(l)将语篇分析理论引入写作教学;(2)采用“阅读—讨论—写作”综合写作教学模式;(3)实施范文教学。

【Abstract】 Discourse is natural spoken or written language in context, especially when complete texts are being considered. For an English-learner, it would be difficult to write a well-structured paper if (s)he did not have a good knowledge of discourse, even with a good command of vocabulary and grammar. However, the cultivation of discourse competence has not been taken seriously in high schools in China. Writing teaching is mostly in the level of sentences instead of discourse level. How to change the situation in writing teaching is just one of the main problems we English teachers have to encounter in high schools. In this paper, the writer of the paper analyzes the effect of discourse analysis on the English writing teaching in high school and gives a mode of writing training based on discourse analysis to improve students writing.Firstly, the paper analyzes the situation of English writing teaching in high schools in China. Writing is neither much valued nor taught in an appropriate method in high schools. As a result, there exist many problems in the logic organization of ideas and the structure and so on in the students’ writing. With consideration of these problems and of the demand of English writing in the New English Course Syllabus as well as current research results on this topic, we suggest that the method discourse analysis be utilized to guide English writing teaching in high school in China.Secondly, the theory about discourse analysis relevant to English writing is briefly introduced, such as the concept of discourse and discourse analysis. Although more and more attention on discourse analysis has been paid so far, the approaches are widely divergent due to different purposes to analyze the discourse of an essay. We suggest that the discourse analysis be classified into two levels (aspects): analysis of logic organization of an essay, and grammatical device, lexical cohesion and logical connection analysis of sentences consisting of a paragraph in an essay. Some samples from the high school English textbooks (mainly Vol .3.) are provided for the purpose of illustration.Then this paper goes on to analyze the relationship between the theory of discourse analysis and English writing teaching. We suggest that the theory of discourse analysis be a prerequisite to more advanced English writing teaching and practice. The discourse analysis contributes a lot to training in English writing skills, especially in organization of the entire essay, cohesion between sentences as well as diction, and so on. Therefore, we offers a mode of English writing based on discourse analysis which has three steps: pre-writing, writing and post-writing. The pre-writing involves making sure what to write, how to organize and then list an outline; the writing includes sorting out vocabulary, making proper sentences and extending paragraphs instead of traditionally making sentences; and the post-writing process denotes modification of drafts, that is to say that students will focus more on their drafts from the perspective of the discourse rather than amend simply grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. With a combination of the theory of discourse analysis with the practice of English writing in high school, some strategies in writing training are put forward: 1) to find the typical samples for students to imitate; and 2) to shorten a given essay. The writing-imitating practice involves paragraph-imitated and essay-imitating writing. The former requires students to learn how to write a topic sentence and extend a paragraph by imitating the given samples; the latter requires students to imitate the type of the discourse of the given samples and learn how to organize paragraphs for their own essay writing. As for the shortening of the given essay, students are asked to give concisely a description of the main ideas of a long article. In this paper, we give some of samples for teachers to handle it in English writing teaching.To further elucidate the applicability of discourse analysis theory to English writing teaching in high

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