

A Study of Reading Strategies for Higher Vocational-technical College Students

【作者】 陈萍

【导师】 文斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高职高专教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其毕业生人数和在修人数都超过了全日制本科大学生。就其培养目标而言,高职高专教育要突出应用型和实用型,要与职业就业标准相兼容。按照高职高专英语教学以“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,2000年10月国家教育部颁布了《高职高专教育英语教学基本要求》(以下简称《基本要求》)。 《基本要求》对阅读的具体要求是:能阅读一般题材中等难度简短实用的英文资料,理解正确,阅读速度不低于每分钟70词。在《基本要求》的附件(二)中,明确规定学生应掌握以下7项阅读技能:(1)理解文章主旨和要点;(2)掌握文章中具体信息;(3)根据上下文推断生词意思:(4)根据上下文作出简单的判断和推理;(5)理解文章写作意图、作者的见解和态度等;(6)就文章内容作出结论;(7)快速查找有关信息。在为检测学生是否达到《基本要求》而设置《高等学校英语应用能力考试》试卷中,测试阅读能力题目占总分值的35%,阅读能力是决定学生考试是否合格的关键。全国高职高专学校毕业生英语应用能力使用情况调查显示,工作中最需要的英语语言应用能力是阅读能力。因此,研究高职高专学生阅读策略的使用情况是十分必要和重要的。 但是,目前高职高专英语课程教学中,有的院校已采用专门面向高职高专学生编写的英语教材,如高等教育出版社的《实用英语》;有的院校还仍然采用面向本科学生的普通大学英语教材,如上海外语教育出版社的《大学英语》。根据《基本要求》对阅读技能的规定,再结合Nuttal的阅读策略分类,本文对45名使用《实用英语》教材和45名使用《大学英语》教材两个二年级自然班的学生进行阅读理解测试及阅读策略的问卷调查。采用定量分析的方法,探讨了两组学生在如下五种阅读策略:词汇技巧,查读、肇硕士学位论文入飞ASI‘I几I叉’S川ESIS略读、推理和总结的使用情况,重在比较两组学生在阅读策略使用上的异同。 研究结果表明:使用《实用英语》教材的学生运用阅读策略的频率更高,阅读测试的成绩更好。尤其是查读策略的运用频率要远远大于使用《大学英语》教材的学生。两组学生使用阅读策略的共同点是他们运用词汇技巧很频繁但都不太会运用推理策略。根据调查结果,作者指出为使高职高专学生更好地掌握《基本要求》中规定的阅读技能,运用阅读策略,高职高专院校应采用专门面向高职高专学生编写的英语教材;高职高专教师应更好地将阅读策略使用训练融入英语教学之中,不断提高高职高专学生的阅读能力。 这篇论文共有五章。第一章为引言,指出研究高职高专学生阅读策略使用情况的必要性,提出研究的问题。第二章为理论研究。简单而又全面地回顾了有关学习策略以及阅读方法的理论和研究,从认知的角度探讨了在阅读中使用相关策略的方法,指出了相关阅读策略的学习和使用对阅读效果的促进作用,从而为研究奠定了理论基础。第三章介绍研究方法。交代调查的对象,使用材料和操作过程,介绍调查涉及的五种策略以及分析的方法。第四章讨论了调查研究的结果。第五章对本研究作出结论,并指出对高职高专英语教学的意义和本次研究可能存在的局限性。

【Abstract】 Higher Vocational-technical Education (HVTE) is an important component of higher education in our country. According to the statistics issued in 2001, the number of higher vocational-technical colleges (HVTC) graduates and the total enrollment of students who are studying at HVTC exceed those of full-time regular (four-year) college students. The objective for HVTE is to train practical talents in production, technology, service, management, etc. We should emphasize the application and practicality in HVTE. HVTE should correspond with the standards of vocational employment.The Basic Requirements for HVTE English Course, serving as the national syllabus for HVTE English course, was issued by China’ s Ministry of Education in 2000. The Basic Requirements (short for The Basic Requirements for HVTE English Course) is designed for non-English major students of HVTE. The requirements for reading are set as follows. The students should be able to read short English materials on topics at intermediate level. For English materials, the reading speed should be around 70 wpm. The students should be able to understand short practical materials, such as letters, technical manual, business contract, etc. According to linguistic skill Form of Basic Requirements, following is a list of the basically required reading skills of HVTE English course in China: (l)reading for general comprehension; (2)reading for detailed comprehension; (3)deducing meanings of unknown words from context; (4)drawing inferences according to context; (5)Inferring writer’ s opinion and attitude, understanding the purpose of writing; (6)drawing conclusionsaccording to contents; (7)skimming & scanning. The students’ English reading ability is tested in Practical English Test for Colleges. 35% of scores are devoted to reading. We can say that students will certainly fail if they are poor in reading. From this we can see the competence of reading is placed on the highest position for HVTC students. The investigation report of social need for HVTE college graduates practical English in 2000 indicates that reading is the most important in HVTE college graduates’ work. Therefore, the study of reading strategies is meaningful and worthwhile.At present teaching materials in use in HVTC are different. Some HVTC use teaching materials designed specially for HVTE English course, such as Practical English published by Higher Education Press. Some HVTC still use teaching materials designed for full-time regular college, such as College English published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Therefore, an investigation into reading strategies use by the two groups seems to be necessary. The subjects are non-English major students of HVTE in two natural classes. 45 students in one class use Practical English as textbooks and 45 students in another class use College English as textbooks. Based on Basic Requirements for reading skills and Nuttal’ s typology of reading strategy, the five principal cognitive reading strategies are discussed: word-attack skills, skimming, scanning, inference and summarization. Two experiments are conducted including a reading comprehension test and a questionnaire about reading strategies. By use of quantitative research, the present study intends to investigate the use of reading strategies by the students with Practical English textbooks and the students with College English textbooks in their reading process. In addition, it aims at finding out the differencesand similarities in the employment of reading strategies between the two groups.The study reveals obvious differences between the two groups of students. (1) The students with Practical English textbooks employ most of the reading strategies more conscious and frequently and therefore, reading comprehension test scores significantly higher than students with College English textbooks who sometimes do so. (2) The greatest difference lies in scanning where the mean gap as large as 0.84, indicating that the students with Practical English textbooks

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】437

