

College Education on Cultural Security in a Globalization Era

【作者】 周亦乔

【导师】 俞怀宁;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 全球化是当今世界发展的最重要趋势,也是当代人所面对的重要的生存境遇。全球化既是一种经济现象,同时也是一种政治现象和文化现象。它不仅带来了文化在更大范围、更多领域的传播与交流,同时也加剧了各个文明、民族之间在利益、文化、价值观念等方面的矛盾和冲突,对社会主义思想文化领域也将产生深远影响。文化是一个国家、一个民族精神和智慧的长期积淀和凝聚,是民族生存的前提和条件。它是维系一个国家的精神纽带,是一个民族真正的根。一个国家、一个民族的文化力如果被削弱,或者被摧毁,也就意味着综合国力、国际竞争力的弱化和国家文化安全面临挑战。随着全球化时代的到来,文化安全愈来愈成为维护国家安全必需考虑的重要内容。当前,我国的文化安全问题突出表现在社会主义意识形态与社会主义主流文化价值体系的独立性、方向性和主导性在全球化背景下面临新的挑战。维护国家的文化安全,对我国来说,有很强的现实意义。 面对复杂的国际文化环境和严峻的文化安全问题,维护社会主义文化安全,不仅需要政治家和政府决策者们高度重视并做出明智的决策,高等教育界也不能置身世外。随着全球化信息化时代的到来和我国全方位大开放格局的形成,我国高校的文化安全教育也面临着一些新的挑战,强势经济的文化植入、“文化霸权主义”、文化网络化、社会主义的挫折、我国改革过程中出现的一系列新的问题和矛盾等等,使一些高校学生对马克思主义和社会主义的理想信念发生动摇,诸如爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义这些社会主义的主流文化价值观念受到扭曲、侵蚀和消磨,也使我国高校文化安全教育形势更加严峻。 全球化信息化给我国高校的文化安全教育带来了诸多挑战和不利后果,加强文化安全教育也就成为了教育面临的重要课题。这就要求教育者在分析研究挑战的同时,积极采取措施,改进我们原有的教学内容和教学方法。以嘟硕士学位论文MASTI三R’S’丁’!l卜515增强文化安全意识,强化对青年学生的教育引导为基本出发点;以马克思主义为指导,注重和加强马克思主义意识形态的“灌输”、宣传和建设工作;坚持爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义在思想文化教育中的价值导向;大力宣扬和弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,培育青年学生的民族精神;正确对待异质文化,抵制西方不良文化观念的侵蚀和影响:加强网络文化建设,培植和提高健康文明的网络道德;切实加强高校文化安全队伍建设;从而把文化安全教育引向深入。

【Abstract】 Globalization, a most important trend of world’s development, is a phenomenon of survival people confronted with. Concerned with economic, political faction as well as cultural faction. It not only brings about cultural spreading and communication to a larger extend in more field, but also sharpens intercultural and international conflicts and contradictions in the aspects of interest, culture and value etc, which will greatly affect our socialist thoughts and culture. Culture, as a long term accumulation of a nation or a country’s spirit and wisdom, as well as the precondition of a nation’s survival, therefore means a real root of a nation and spiritually keeps a nation alive. A culture weakened or destroyed, It’s national power in international competitive would also be weakened and therefore challenge it’s culture security. As globalization occurs, culture security becomes a more important factor with regard to national security. At present the problem with our cultural safety is that the independence, direction and leading role of our socialist ideology and main cultural value system are in front of new challenge from globalization. To keep our culture security is a practical problem .The serious cultural security problem in complicated international cultural system, not only need much attention and wise determination from politicians and government officials, but also participation from higher education circles. Globalization and IT emergence along with our country’s opening up policy, challenge our education on cultural security, for instance, invasion of stronger economy, "cultural imperialism ",cultural network setback of socialism new problems and contradictions arising with reforming procedures etc, areweakening some students’ belief in Marxism and socialism, such main cultural values as patriotism, collectivism, socialism are tortured and rotted, which makes our education on cultural security more serious and urgent.As a result of so many challenges and disadvantages , stressing education on cultural security becomes a key subject, which requires teaching staff study and analyse challenges and take active measures to improve our teaching content and method. AS soon as we strengthen our idea of cultural security and intensify education on students as a basic starting point; study Marxism as guideline and stress Marxism ideology; stick to patriotism , collectivism , socialism in education; spread excellent traditional culture and build national spirit; be aware of foreign culture and discard the dross ; establish healthy network morals; practically strengthen our force on cultural security establishment, can we deepen our education on cultural security.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】683

