

Study on Antimonopoly Legislation

【作者】 梁强

【导师】 石先钰;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的不断发展,特别是在加入WTO后,企业竞争日趋激烈。作为有序竞争的对立面——垄断也日益受到人们的关注与谴责。尤其是行政垄断、滥用市场优势地位、阻碍企业的自由竞争、价格歧视等问题更是成为严重损害我国市场经济协调发展的毒瘤,成为滋生政治、经济腐败的温床,因而被众多学者口诛笔伐。垄断的理由多种多样,五花八门,但究其动力来说,就是追求直接或间接的经济利益,在这种利益驱动下,各地方政府、各行业部门以及各个规模庞大的企业集团滥用自己的地位与权力,限制和排除公平竞争,不仅使众多企业有口难言,更是严重侵害了消费者的利益,破坏了社会主义市场经济的声誉,造成国家经济发展的严重失衡,损害了统一大市场的建立与完善。在如此严峻的形势下,尽快制定和出台《反垄断法》,尽早规范社会主义市场经济秩序,已是民心所向,大势所趋。 本文首先对中航油的垄断现状进行了描述与分析,进而引出我国出台《反垄断法》的必要性。其次,笔者从三个方面:即反垄断立法的时机问题、行政垄断是否应由反垄断法规制问题、反垄断法是否反规模经济,向大家简要综述了在反垄断立法工作中的各种学术观点,然后,从中航油垄断这一实例、国外反垄断的做法以及我国经济发展的需要这三方面揭示了我国现行反垄断法的不足,进一步显示出我国反垄断立法的必要性与紧迫性。再次,笔者对我国反垄断立法应坚持的原则进行了阐述:即必须立足国情与吸收借鉴相结合;消除行政垄断作为重点;强化对垄断行为的治理;适用除外领域特定化。最后,以中航油垄断为例笔者对我国反垄断立法若干问题的处理进行了论述,这是本文的重点部分。作者首先明确:在反垄断执法机构上,我国应设置独立的反垄断机关;同时,对我国反垄断执法机构应遵循的原则、如何设置及其职责笔者也发表了自己的意见。针对中航油的垄断,笔者提出应加强价格听证以及国际合作,并对我国反垄断立法的效力范围及外资并购的规制提出了自己的建议,并希望我国反垄断立法适度严格、超前。

【Abstract】 With the developing of our market economy, the competition of business enterprise are more and more vigorous, especially after enjoining the WTO. Standsopposite the order competition--the monopoly is criticized and concerned moreand more strongly by many people, "administrative monopoly" , "abuse ofdominance" and "limiting or expelling the fair competition"......have become amalignant tumor that seriously harm the coordinated development of the socialist market economy and the seedbed that breeds the political and economic corruption. There are varieties of reasons for monopoly. Although rich in variety, according to its motive, it is to pursue direct or indirect economic benefits. Under the drive of this kind of benefits, each local government ,profession section and several big business enterprises abuse the administrative power, limiting or expelling the fair competition. Numerous business enterprises feel it difficult to speak their minds or dare not speak out. Thus, the rights of consumers are injured hardly, the development of national economy loses its balance seriously, which of course destroys the establishment and perfection of a unified big market. Under such a grim situation, it has become the common aspiration of people and the general trend of development to formulate and promulgate the antimonopoly law and regulate the economic order of the socialist market as soon as possible.First, the author makes a rational analysis and describe on the monopoly of CAOSC, thus point out the necessity of the antimonopoly legislation in China. Second, from 3 aspects: the time of the antimonopoly legislation in China; whether the administrative monopoly should adjusted by antimonopoly law; whether the antimonopoly law objects the scale economy, the author makes a brief introduction of varieties of scholarship standpoint on the antimonopoly legislation in China. Then, from the example of the monopoly of CAOSC, the way of the foreignantimonopoly and the need of our economic constitution, the author wants to further highlight the shortage of the current situation the necessity and urgency of the antimonopoly legislation in China. Third, the author makes a rational expatiate on the principle of the antimonopoly legislation in China: must not only consider the state of the nation but also adopt the experience of the foreign country; dissolve the administrative monopoly should be a highlight; must enhance the rules of the monopoly- behavior not the monopoly-construction, must have the area of the apply excepted. At last, with the example of the monopoly of CAOSC, the author expatiates how to handle the problem of the antimonopoly legislation in China, this is the main part of this paper. First of all, the author emphasizes that China’s antimonopoly legislation should establish a complete legal system and an independent organization. At the same time, the author introduces the standpoint himself how to establish the antimonopoly-organization .In the following , the author takes some advices for antimonopoly legislation in china on "law enforcement authority", "international cooperation" , "foreign capital annex" etc, and hopes the Antimonopoly Law appropriates strict and run before

  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【下载频次】134

