

The Theory and Application of Disregard of Corporate Personality

【作者】 杨建强

【导师】 李寿廷;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 公司法人人格否认法理在发达的市场经济国家虽然已被广泛运用,但我国理论界对它的认识和研究还是近几年的事情。有关学者对它的研究和介绍已经给许多司法工作者以深深的震撼,它为我国司法实践中解决公司人格被滥用的诸多词题提供了一个全新的世界。 本文之所以选定了公司法人人格否认法理及在我国的适用这个题目,原因在于笔者在近几年的实践工作中,常面临各种滥用公司独立人格的案件,时有困惑、矛盾。两年前初次接触到公司法人人格否认的理论后,就在工作中时时留意与此有关的案件。本文中,笔者欲通过分析我国实践中滥用公司人格的原因,以寻求相应的对策,并提出在我国建立公司法人人格否认制度体系的一点建议。 本文共分五章 第一章,公司法人人格制度的概说,介绍了公司法人人格制度的形成,内涵及特征,并分析了公司法人人格制度的价值和缺陷。 第二章,公司法人人格否认原理,通过对公司法人人格否认法理的内涵及理论依据、特征及相关学说的介绍,对公司法人人格否认法理建立框架式的认识。 第三章,公司法人人格否认法理的适用,介绍了公司法人人格否认法理的适用条件及适用场合,并比较了各国有关公司法人人格否认的立法与司法模式,从而为我国建立公司法人人格否认制度提供了示范作用。 第四章,我国在实行公司制过程中出现的问题和确立公司法人人格否认制度的现实必要性,以归纳的方法对我国滥用公司法人人格的现象予以分类分析,并分析了我国公司法人异化的原因,再结合我国目前关于法人格否认制度的立法现状,说明我国建立公司法人人格否认制度的必要性。 第五章,建立我国公司法人人格否认制度的构想,本章结合国外有关理论及立法司法经验,提出了我国建立公司法人人格否认制度的设想和建议,豁器黯蕊并提出需要注意的几个问题。 总之,本文认为在我国确实需要及时建立公司法人人格否认制度体系以完善我国的公司法人人制度,以保障社会主义市场经济可以有一个健全、良性的法律环境,以规范更多的市场主体依法交易,并在民事主体受到滥用公司权利者的侵犯时,可以求得法律的保障。

【Abstract】 Although the theory of disregard of corporate personality is used widely in market economy countries, it has just been studied for recent years in the circle of theory in China. The relevant study and introduction by the scholars shocks the judicial workers, and it provides a new world to solve the issues of abuse of corporate personality in practice in China.The reason of choosing the subject is that in recent years’ practice author always meet cases of abuse of corporate personality and feels puzzled. When first touching the theory of disregard of corporate personality, author pay attention to relevant cases. In the thesis, I try to seek the countermeasures and put forward preliminary proposals though finding the reasons of abuse of corporate personality in China.The thesis consists of five chapters.Chapter 1, Introduction to System of Corporate Personality, introduces the formation, connotation and character of the system of corporate personality, and analyzed the value and shortage of it.Chapter 2, Introduction to the Theory of Disregard of Corporate Personality, introduces the connotation, theory basis, character and related theories of disregard of corporate personality, and forms the basic understanding of the theory.Chapter 3, Application on the Theory of Disregard of Corporate Personality, introduces the condition and occasions on applying the theory of disregard of corporate personality, and compares the legislativb and judicial mode in different countries. These provide examples for establishing the system of disregard of corporate personality in China.Chapter 4, the problems existing in the course of adopting corporation system in China and the Necessity of Establishing the System of Disregard of CorporatePersonality, makes a classical analysis on the phenomenon of abuse of corporate personality in China, and explores the reasons of the abnormal situation on corporate personality in China. Moreover, in combination with the relevant legislative status in China, this chapter illustrates the necessity of establishing the system.Chapter 5, the Presumption of Establishing the System of Disregard of Corporate Personality in China, puts forward the presumption and proposals on establishing the system of disregard of corporate personality in China in combination with foreign theories and experience of legislation, and indicates many issues that should be noticed.In short, the thesis come to conclusion that the System of Disregard of Corporate Personality should be established in China timely to perfect the corporation systems, thus it can assure a healthy legal environment for socialist market economy and regulates more legal transaction by market subject, and provide legal protection in case of the tort by abuser of corporate power and right.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】252

