

Developing the Intermedium--Make the Major Medium of China

【作者】 周良逸

【导师】 王又平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的不断深入,我国的市场经济体制日趋成熟和完善,各个经济领域里的竞争早已经进入白热化阶段。但传媒业和极少数关系到国计民生的产业却一直生活在政策的庇护下,依然是尚未走出封地的诸侯,怡然自得地吃着“皇粮”。在中宣部、信息产业部、新闻出版署以及相关行业部门的共同监管之下,传媒业虽然也有业务和市场的竞争以及实力的此消彼长,但仅限于狭窄的行业、有限的区域、浅尝则止的程度之内,在经营和管理方式上依然没有完成以政策为纽带向以资本为纽带的脱胎换骨式的转变。 经过15年艰苦的谈判,中国加入了WTO。虽然在传媒市场的开放方面,我们还有一个较长的过渡期,但国外传媒已经把加入WTO后的挑战实实在在地摆到了我们面前。就目前而言,我国的传媒在实力上还无法与国外的传媒巨头相抗衡。面对挑战,我国传媒业提出了“做大做强”的口号。但是,要实现这一目标,并不是一蹴而就的。如果把“做大做强”单纯理解为依靠行政手段将大大小小的媒体在一起,组成所谓的联合舰队,那显然是走入了歧途。因为,这种缺乏内在粘合力而纯粹依靠外力捆绑的联合,显然是不堪一击的。做大和做强是两个既有联系又有区别的概念,做强离不开做大,但做大并不意味着做强,要做大,更要做强。只有加快传播体制改革的步伐,将传媒尽快推向市场,利用市场机制和政策调控双重杠杆引导传媒产业发展,通过资本运营,在市场竞争中实现传媒资源的再分配,进而调整传媒产业结构,建立真正适应国际传媒市场竞争需要的强势媒体,才是“做大做强”的必由之路。

【Abstract】 With the continual penetration of the reform and open policy, the market economy structure in China has become more and more mature and consummate, and the competition in each economic domain already has get into the incandesce stage. But the media and very few estates that related with the government and citizen were always living under the protection of the policy, as the prince who didn’t get out of the feoff, and enjoy the "imperial food" happily and contentedly. Under the supervision together from the central propaganda department, the ministry of information industry, the press publication arrange and some correlated departments, the competition between the business activities and market already existed in the press medium and the real strength of them were constantly changing, but all this were limited to some narrow trade, limited areas, and be satisfied with a smattering of a subject. It didn’t accomplish the completely change from the link of policy to the link of capital on operation and management manner.China has acceded to the WTO by the negotiation that had persisted 15 years. Although at the aspect of the media market, we have a comparatively long transition period, the challenge already have been put in front of us by the abroad media after we joined the WTO. At the present stage, the medium in our country still can’t resist the abroad medium giant. Facing with the challenge, the medium business raised the slogan "be great and powerful". But the target can’t be fulfilled within only one step. It’s obviously go wrong if the slogan is simply comprehended as making up the various media for a ally by the administerial method. Because the ally which is short of inherent agglutinability and only be united by completely outside force obviously cannot withstand a single blow. Be great and be powerful are two notions that are both related and different, be powerful can’t be realize without be great, but be great isn’t mean to be powerful, both the two are needed. It’s the necessary way to be great and powerful by speeding up the step of reform of the media system of organization, pushing the media to the market quickly, conducting the media industry’s development by both the market and the policylevers, realizing the second allocation of the media resources in the competition of the market by revolving the capital, then adjusting the media industry structure, building the powerful medium that really a adapt to the requirement of competition in the international medium market.

  • 【分类号】G219.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】190

