

Study on the Writing of TV Journalism Explanations

【作者】 郑虹

【导师】 刘九洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在没有电视片以前,文字稿是对某些图片、实物等的介绍、说明,而当文字稿进入电视并成为电视片的不可或缺的重要组成部分的时候,它的意义得到了极大的拓展,日渐成为一种特殊的屏幕文体。它与画面语言相融合,反映社会生活,传递信息,表达思想、情感,提供独特的美感。 随着电视新闻事业的空前发展,对电视新闻文字稿写作的学术研究越来越深入,出现了空前繁荣的局面。各种各样的实践探讨和理论方面的著作都十分丰富。笔者认为电视文字稿作为电视新闻的表现元素之一,并不仅仅对画面语言起解说、补充的作用,更重要的是它对于画面语言有着串联、提示、丰富的意义,使听觉信息与视觉信息有机结合,并延伸和深化画面内涵,从而拓展视觉的深度和广度,以便观众能更好地理解画面,加强电视新闻的传播力度。 现在研究电视新闻文字稿写作的时候,出现了许多争论。比如:声音与画面地位的争论,声音文字稿与字幕文字稿发展趋势的争论等。因此,研究和探讨电视文字稿的创作规律、美学要求不仅仅具有较大理论意义而且具有丰富的实践意义。在本文的论述中,笔者首先论述了电视文字稿的地位和作用,指出电视文字稿并不仅仅是对图象的解说和丰富,并不一味的从属于图象。它在电视传播中起着传达信息、揭示主题、引导视听、协调整合等重要作用。在第二章中笔者结合自己多年的实践经验着重总结出了电视文字稿的结构特点。并分别从文字稿的标题、导语、正文、结尾四部分的作用、写作要点、形式和新趋势等方面进行了论述。在论文第三部分中,笔者通过大量的实例来说明口语化、紧凑化、清晰化、现场感、信息化和配合性是电视新闻文字稿的写作基本要求。

【Abstract】 Before television broadcast, TV journalism explanations were just introduction and illustration for some photographs and entity ,but when it is introduced into television broadcast and becomes a indispensable part ,it gains huge signification to be a special screen dissemination pattern gradually. TV journalism explanations fuse with vision language to reflect the social life, deliver information , express ideas or feelings and provide special aesthetic feelings.With the unprecedented improvement of journalism, it’s more and more profound to study the writing of TV journalism explanations, bringing the so flourishing situations . Various discussions of practice and works on theory are widely put into the market, making us puzzled some time. But carefully to find, there is something absent or more.To be a element of TV journalism, explanations for it are not only for illustration and complement of the vision language, but also for the use of connection , prompt and enrichment. It makes the information of hearing and vision connected so as to widen and deepen the vision for the comprehension of audience. There are many debates about the writing of TV journalism explanation, for example: the status of voice and scence, the tendency of sound explanation and caption explanation and so on. So it’s significant for both theory and practice. In this thesis discoursing, I try to demonstrate the discipline , method and tendency of TV journalism explanation systematically from its status , use, writing method and developing tendency.

  • 【分类号】G222.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】270

