

On the Interest Groups’ Influence on the American Policies about China in the Post-Cold War Era

【作者】 宋山丹

【导师】 夏安凌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际政治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 利益集团是由具有共同利益的人们,为了寻求某种共同的利益目标,通过各种方式影响国家政策的集团。美国三权分立的政治体制决定了利益集团不能直接参与决策美国的对外政策,只能通过政治游说等方式间接参与政治,通过对对外政策的决策者——总统、政府官员和国会议员以及对对外政策的制定、执行和决策方式等施加影响,力图改变国会和政府做出的决策,从而实现本集团的目标利益。 冷战时期美国对华政策决策的核心主要是总统,利益集团在美国对华政策中的影响可以说是微乎其微。冷战结束后,利益集团对美国的对华政策决策施加了全方位的影响,主要通过最惠国待遇、人权、台湾问题等反映出来。 利益集团在美国对华政策决策中的影响并非是决定性的,政策的决定者主要是国会和政府,而另一方面政策决定者由于受美国不同利益的牵制,有时又不得不向某些利益集团妥协。对华政策受制于美国不同利益集团所施加的影响,使得美国对华政策经常出现波动、摇摆。 在中国的外交关系中,美国处于十分重要的地位,为了促使中美双方减少摩擦,扩大共识,在未来中美关系的发展过程中,中国应在美国法律允许范围内加强与其国会议员的沟通、增进美国公众对中国的了解,非政府的民间组织将会扮演更重要的角色,民间的相互往来和沟通将会对双边关系产生积极而深远的影响。

【Abstract】 Interest group is a group that is made of the people who share the common interests. It influences some of the decisions made by government through different strategies and tactics in order to realize its ideal. The American politic system which is the separation of three powers doesn’t permit that interest groups decide the foreign policies directly but only indirectly such as by means of lobbying and other strategies or influence on the decision makers-president, government officers or congressmen and drawing up or executing of the foreign policies. By these means, they try their best to influence the decision of congress and government for satisfying their own interests.In the period of Cold War president is the major role in American policy decision while the interest group’s influence is tiny. However, in the Post-Cold War era interest groups influence the American policies about China in all fields, such as the problem of Non-discriminative Treatment of Product, Human rights and Taiwan issues.Congress and government play decisive role in American policies about China while they are contained by various interest groups and sometimes have to compromise. As the different influences of various interest groups, American policies about China always appear vacillated.In Chinese diplomatic relations, America plays a very important role. In order to smooth mutual frictions and understand each other more, China should strengthen the communication with American congressmen in the range of law and made American publics know China more. The non-government organizations can play more important role in Sino-American relations and they will exert a positive and profound influence.

  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】420

