

Old Legend in Contemporary Village

【作者】 贾平

【导师】 陈建宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 民俗学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 本文把研究视角和研究对象的时空坐标限定在当代村落生活空间,运用村落调查法、田野作业的访问法、参与观察法,考察了张谷英村一个开基祖传说在当代的讲述和传承状况,以此为个案,探讨了传说学的相关问题。 全文分五部分: 第一章“绪论”部分,在对传说研究方法和讲述活动研究学术史进行梳理的基础上,提出了本文的研究方法及研究主题:从具体的个案入手,展示和研究张谷英村开基祖传说在当代村落中的讲述和传承状态。 第二章“讲述主体的立场:传说的信仰状态”,详细展示了不同讲述人对待传说的不同态度及讲述状况。 第三章“讲述主体的情感:传说主角张谷英的身份定位”,以风水文化及民间对此的理解为基础,展示了人们对待传说中张谷英是“风水先生”这一身份的不同态度以及生活中对张谷英形象的塑造。 第四章“传说的延伸:文化人、族人与传说”,展现了由该传说引出的文化人创作新传说及族人进行文化竞争的现象,是为传说的当代背景及其新发展。 第五章“问题与思考”。由对传说的考察思考总结出:传说讲述中受到三重文化压力作用:历史知识与主流意识;族群情感;传说惯性。传说的传承体现出新的特点,如“否定式传承”。传说的叙事呈现出新特点:增加了论理色彩。此外,还就传说的传承线路、传说的构成、功能、发展等提出疑问,以供思考。

【Abstract】 The study angle and subject is confined in a contemporary village society. Through the village-research approach, interview and participant observation method, this thesis investigates the telling and transmission of a first resided ancestor’s legend in Zhang Guying village, and discusses some problems in legend studies by treating it as a case.This thesis is composed of five main parts. Part 1 is the introduction. On the base of introducing the legend studies and narrator’s telling studies in the academic history, it proposes the study methods and study topics in the article, i.e., presenting and studying the telling and transmission of the legend in the contemporary villages.The body. Part 2 describes different tellers’different attitudes to the legend and the legend-telling situation in detail. Part 3 represents different opinions about Zhang Guying’s status "Fengshui Finder" in the background of folk’s understanding Fengshui culture. Also it explains people’s oral creation of the image of Zhang Guying. Part 4 introduces another legend created by intellectuals related with this one, and gives the impression about the cultural rival between two clans. The above is the development and contemporary context of the legend.Part 5 makes some conclusion and brings forward some problems to discuss. The conclusion: Fist, there are three kinds of culture press on legend telling: history knowledge and mainstream’s ideology, affection for the clan, the legend’s inertia; second, there’s a new feature of legend’s transmission, i.e., the way of telling the legend through disapproving; third, the legend narratives have a new feature: discussing and proving even academically in telling. The problems are: the route of transmission, the function of legend telling, and so on.

  • 【分类号】I207.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】399

