

Design and Implementation of a Management System of Subject-Based Learning Website

【作者】 蒋玲

【导师】 赵呈领;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 教育信息化是信息社会发展的必然要求。信息技术应用到教育教学过程后,形成了网络化的学习环境、数字化的学习资源、数字化的学习方式。专题学习网站的出现,正是教育信息化进程中的产物,是现阶段教育软件特别是基于Web的网络教育系统开发的重要内容。专题学习网站结合了研究性学习的学习方式与教学资源开发的技术,将专题知识的学习、综合能力的培养、信息技能的培养几个目标结合起来,形成了一种崭新的数字化学习方式,实现了信息技术与课程的有机整合。 专题学习网站管理系统是专题学习网站的重要组成部分。专题学习网站本质上是一个网站,除了完成远程学习的功能,还应该包括对教学活动和教学资源的管理功能。专题学习网站管理系统的开发设计就是为了实现教学管理和教学资源管理而提出的。 本课题所研究的专题学习网站管理系统,是一个针对专题学习为目的的网上教学支撑管理系统,包括教学管理和教学支持系统两部分。在教学管理部分实现了对用户及其学习记录的管理、公告文档的管理、以及用户访问专题网站的数据统计与分析;教学支持系统包括了对资源的建设与组织管理、围绕专题开展协作学习的讨论区的管理;还实现了教学统计信息高速高质前统计图显示功能。 本课题力求运用教学管理的系统思想并结合网络技术的特点来建设专题学习网站的管理系统。该管理系统针对研究性学习的特点,满足专题学习网站对教学资源建设、网上协作讨论等功能要求,开发一个具有一定通用性的专题学习网上教学支撑平台。 全文共分为七个部分。第一章介绍了选择课题的依据及其研究意义,描述了目前国内外网络教学支撑平台和专题学习网站的研究现状,对课题的前期研究工作作了简单介绍。 第二章是与课题相关的研究基础,包括研究性学习的意义,基于网络研究性学习模式,本课题的研究内容和专题学习网站管理系统的模型构建。澎硕士学位论文MASTER’ST’H卜515 第三章是专题学习网站管理系统的总体设计,包括系统设计原则、总体设计目标、总体结构以及系统各个模块的功能说明。 第四章介绍了专题学习网站管理系统开发的技术路线,包括开发平台和语言、客户端和服务器端的处理程序、数据库访问技术以及使用VML实现统计图形技术。 第五章对系统主要功能用流程图的方式说明其实现过程。 第六章是关于系统功能测试和用户试用的结果,以及系统的特点说明。 第七章对专题学习网站管理系统的不足和有待完善的工作进行了总结。

【Abstract】 Educational informatization is a necessary phase of the development process in information society. Information technology has formed network learning environment, digital learning resources and digital learning model after it was utilized in education. The subject-based learning website is justly the product of the educational informatization developing. At present, it is an important component of educational software development, especially online system development. The subject-based learning website connects the method of inquiry learning and the technology of developing resources. It is succeed in integratingseveral destinations--the studying of subject knowledge, the developing of all abilities andthe improving of information skills. The subject-based learning website accomplishes the newest digital learning model and realizes the integration of information technology and courses.The management system of subject-based learning website is an important part of subject-based learning website. Essentially, subject-based learning website is a website, so it should include the instructional management and resources management besides the distant learning function. The development of the management system is put forward to realizing these. In the thesis, subject-based learning website is a web-based instructional supporting management system, which includes education administration management and instructional supporting system .The former system accomplishes the users’ management and their study records management, the bulletin document management, and the data statistic and analysis of visited records. The other includes the resources building and organization management, the discussion region for collaborative learning, and VML is used to drawing good quality and speedily statistical vector graph about those recorded data.During the process of building the management system of subject-based learning website, the thesis tries to use the systematic idea of instructional management and integrate the characteristics of network technologies. The management system should meet the functional requirements of subject learning resources, such as instructional resources, collaborativediscussion according to characteristic of inquiring learning, and developed an universal instructional supporting platform for subject-based learning website.This thesis is organized in seven chapters. The first chapter explains the reason we choose this subject as studying topic and the importance of the research work. We also discuss the present conditions of the web-based instructional supporting platform and subject-based learning website in abroad and domesticate, at last it simply introduces our preparing working.The second chapter is about research function of system theories. It includes the inquiring learning signification, the web-based inquiring learning model, the research content and the management system modeling.The third chapter is the framework designing of the management system, which includes the designing principle, designing purpose, system architecture and every module’s function.The fourth chapter introduces the technologies routes to developing the system. They are the developing platform and language, the managing program in the client and the server, the technology of accessing database, and the method of drawing a vector graph using VML.The fifth chapter describes how to implement the major function with data flow chart.The sixth chapter describes the system testing, including the function testing and the performance testing, and then we identify characteristics of the system.The last chapters gives a summarization about the process of system development, lists several shortcomings existing in the system and the future tasks.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1126

