

Turning into the Spring Mud to Protect the Flowers

【作者】 欧阳红

【导师】 魏谦;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 美术学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 美术史家齐凤阁在《1940—2003中国版画典籍》推介辞中写到:魏谦是我国铜版画领域杰出的、高产的画家,他在铜版画创作与人才培养方面都成绩斐然。 魏谦的版画教学论及成果主要体现在他的教学思想,教学实践,并培养了大批优秀的学生等方面。 教学思想: 1.综合东、西方优秀的教育思想,以人本教育为主导,“以学生的发展为本”。强调充分发展学生的潜能和积极向上的自主概念和价值观体系,从而使学生的潜能得到充分发挥。 2.通过审美教育明确艺术和生活的关系,以审美的态度对待自然和社会生活。明确艺术与情感的关系,以审美的态度对待自身。以他丰富的知识和生活阅历及艺术体验挖掘出时代审美的精髓,教导学生如何认识美,表现美,树立正确的审美观。 教学实践: 1.在基础教学中强调大胆地从清规戒律里解放出来,运用适合版画专业发展的教学方法。 2.针对专业特点教会学生用物质材料去思考。 3.运用科学的创新手段丰富版画语言。 4.在中国版画转型中的教学实践,充分体现了社会主义文艺方针的正确方向,把握了当下版画教学的主流及未来版画教学的走向。 魏谦教授1992年荣获国务院“为发展我国高等教育事业做出的突出贡献,特决定,从1992年10月起发给政府特殊津贴并颁发证书”的表彰。 2001年冬魏谦作为全国美术院校教学指导委员会的成员到南宁广西艺术学院,参加教育部举办的全国美术教学改革会议。更进一步地领会了国务院副总理李岚清代表党中央国务院所作的《深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育,实⑧硕士学位论文琳STER’5 THESIS现中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗》的报告。强调要把素质教育贯穿到学科教学中。培养学生“授人以渔”的能力。实现学生“个人的自由发展”(((共产党宣言》)。 魏谦在版画教学工作中辛勤耕耘,桃李满天下,为华中师范大学美术系的发展,为我国的美术教育事业作出了应有的贡献。

【Abstract】 In the introduction of the book ’Chinese Engravings - from 1940 to 2002’ written by the historian of the fine arts - Qi Fengge, it says: ’Wei Qian is the remarkable and productive painter in the engraving field of China. He has made extraordinary achievements in engraving creation and talents education. Up till now.Wei Qian’s engraving methodology is largely embodied in his ideas of teaching, his teaching practice and cultivation of a great number of excellent students.Ideas of teaching:1. He combines the outstanding educational thoughts of the east culture with the west one. Under the guidance of human-oriented education, he emphasizes on ’the development of the students’. He lays stress on a fully development of the students’ potentials and an active self-reliance concept as well as the system of this sense of value, so as to let the students make full use of their potentials.2. He tries to specify the relationship between art and life by aesthetic education, and treat the nature and the social life with an aesthetic attitude. He attempts to clarify the relationship between art and feelings, and treat himself with an aesthetic manner. With his rich knowledge and life experiences, together with his artistic experience, he probes into the aesthetic spirit of different times to help the students know how to recognize beauty, express beauty and build up the proper sense of aesthetics.Teaching practice:1. In foundational teaching, he emphasizes on the brave liberation of regulations, taboos and commandments. And apply the teaching methods suitable for the development of engraving specialty.2. He teaches the students to learn to think with material things according to the characteristics of the field.3. He enriches the engraving language by a scientific way of innovation.4. In the teaching practice of the transformation of Chinese engraving, he fully reflects the proper trend of socialist arts guidance. And he grasps the tendency of the mainstream of present engraving teaching as well as the future one.In 2001, as the member of the Instructive Committee of National Institutes of Fine Arts, Wei Qian went to Nanning Academy of Fine Arts to attend the National Conference on Fine Arts Teaching held by the Bureau of Education. He further understood the report ’Deepen the Educational Reform, Promote the Quality Education in Every Aspects, and Work Hard to Realize the Great Revival of China’ made by Li Lanqing, the vice-premier of the State Council, representative of the Party and the State Council. The report emphasized on the application of quality education onto the subject teaching, the students’ ability of ’teach people how to fish’ and the realization of the students’ ’individual development’ (’the Manifestation of the Communist Party’).Wei Qian works diligently in the field of engraving teaching and has now tremendous amount of excellent students around China. He has made a great contribution to the development of the Department of Fine Arts in Central China Normal University and the national career of fine arts education.

  • 【分类号】J217
  • 【下载频次】105

