

Research on Human Resource Management of State-owned Enterprise

【作者】 黄佩珍

【导师】 刘筱红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国国有企业是国民经济的重要组成部分,是我国国民经济收入的主要来源。中国改革之路已走了二十余载,国有企业改革也有十余年,通过采取承包制、厂长负责制、建立现代企业制度、国有资产授权经营等一系列措施,对国有企业的分配、产权机制进行了一系列改革,效益和实力有了相当提高。但随着中国加入WTO,经济的日益全球化,外部环境的不确定性已经成为企业经营环境的主要特征。从理论上分析,当企业外部环境不确定性成为企业经营的主要特征时,企业的战略管理的显著变化之一就从关注企业绩效的环境决定因素转为强调企业的内部资源与企业绩效的关系。现代管理科学普遍认为,要搞好一个企业需要四大资源:人力资源、经济资源、物质资源和信息资源。从企业资源基础的理论出发,许多学者的研究表明,传统的竞争优势资源(如经济资源、物质资源等的获得)已不再能以稀缺的、不可模仿的和不可替代的方式为企业创造价值。由于人力资源的价值创造过程具有路径依赖和因果关系模糊的特征,其细微之处竞争对手难以模仿,所以企业的人力资源将是持久竞争优势的重要来源,有效地管理人力资源,将是企业绩效的最终决定因素。换言之,在企业的四大资源中,人力资源是最重要的资源。如果一个企业缺乏人力资源,或者人力资源开发、管理出现了问题,那么,即使有了其他三大资源,也会失去优势,甚至变得毫无用处。如果一个企业在人力资源方面具有优势,那么,没有资金可以筹措、借贷,没有厂房可以建造、添置,没有信息可以收集、分析。企业需要的四大资源原则上是可以相互转变的,其中人力资源作用最为活跃,人力资源可以迅速转变为其他三大资源,而其他三大资源要转变为人力资源,则速度慢、干扰因素多,况且要发挥其他三大资源的优势,归根结底还是需要人来完成。从现实层面来分析,中国加入WTO后,进入中国的外资企业正在迅速增长。这些企业为了有效地开展经营活动,越来越多地实施了员工的本土化策略,这在无形之中与国内企业、特别是国有企业展开了人才竞争的较量,国企业如果没有积极有效的应对措施,将会在人才竞争中处于被动地位,馨蒜款橇招不从战略的高度重视人力资源管理的改革,其后果将影响企业的长远发展。 目前我国国有企业人力资源管理理念停留在传统的人事管理的阶段上,人力资源管理队伍素质也鱼待提高,同时,人力资源投资严重不足,激励机制不完善,职工积极性难以调动,员工素质难以适应市场经济要求。正是由于传统的人事管理制度己制约了国有企业的深化改革。为企业经营的内、外部环境所迫,由人事管理向人力资源管理转变己成为国有企业改革进一步深化过程中的必修之课。重视人力资源开发有管理,提高国有企业竞争力,应当成为今后国有企业改革与发展的中心工作。本文的创新之处正在于将现代人力资源管理的技术与方法应用到国有企业人力资源管理中去。 本文试图以邓小平理论为指导,运用管理学、行政学、社会学、心理学等学科的基本原理,对国有企业人力资源管理相关问题进行了探讨。本文共分三部分。第一部分阐述了人力资源管理的相关理论:人力资源管理的含义、人力资源管理的涵义、人力资源管理的意义和内容,并具体分析了人力资源管理与传统人事管理的区别。第二部分从企业的角度对我国国有企业人力资源管理的现状进行了综合剖析:没有彻底走出传统人事管理的老路;缺乏良好的制度环境,人才使用与管理不科学;企业员工培训、继续教育工作不力,员工的创新热情不高;企业人力资源管理水平明显偏低,人才流失现象严重;并试图找出其成因。笔者认为造成我国国有企业人力资源管理的现状的主要因素是人力资源管理的观念、体制和机制落后、管理者的素质不高,影响了正常的人力资源管理流程等原因。第三部分针对我国国有企业人力资源管理的现状提出了构建国有企业人力资源管理体系的策略。 本文提出的改进措施与建议是:1、认真制定人力资源管理策略,真正树立“以人为本”的观念;2、制定并实施人力资源规划,使人力资源策略得到落实:3、探索和建立完善的激励约束机制,充分调动员工的积极性和创造性;4、建立与健全完善的绩效评估体系;5、建立完善的薪酬管理机制:6、加大职工培训力度;7、、借鉴外资企业先进的人力资源管理办法。

【Abstract】 State-owned enterprises are an important part of national economy and the main origin of national economic income. Since China reformed and opened up to the outside world, over twenty years has passed, and the history of state-owned enterprises reform has more than one decade. Via taking a series of measures, such as contract system, factory director responsibility system, modern enterprise system, state-owned assets authorized management and so on, the distribution and property right mechanism of state-owned enterprises has been reformed, and their performances and strengths have been largely improved. Since China entered into WTO, the economy has been more and more globalized, and the uncertainty of external environment has been the main characteristic of business operation environment. From theoretical analysis, when the uncertainty of external environment is the main characteristic of business operation environment, one prominent change of business strategy management is to pay more attention to the relation of interior resources and enterprises’ performances than enterprise environments alone. From the view of modern management science, a good enterprise needs four resources, i.e., human resource, economic resource, material resource, and information resource. From the theory of enterprise resources, many research results show that the traditional competitive advantage resources (e.g. economic resources and material resources) cannot create value via an indispensable, inimitable and non-replaceable manner. As the creation value process of human resource is path-dependent and causality-blurry, its imperceptibility is hard to imitate. So human resource is the important origin of maintaining competitive advantage for enterprises. To manage human resource effectively will be the final determination of business performances. That is to say, human resource is the most important one of the four resources. If an enterprise is lack of humanresource, or something is wrong with the human resource development and management, an enterprise will lose its advantage even if it has the other three resources. While if an enterprise has advantage of human resource, no fund can be raised or loaned, no workshop can be built or added, and no information can be collected and analyzed. The four resources that an enterprise needs can be reciprocal transformed, where human resource is the most active one and can be transformed into the other three very quickly, while the other three resources transformed into human resource much slower. Moreover, it needs manpower to bring the other three resources into play after all. Practically, when China entered into WTO, the number of foreign-owned enterprises increases gradually. To carry out business operations more effectively, these enterprises recruit more and more native employees and open up talent competition with domestic enterprises especially state-owned enterprises. If domestic enterprises cannot answer up, they will be put into a passive position in this talent competition. If they cannot attach importance to human resource management strategically, the long-term development of enterprises will be largely influenced.At present the concept of human resource management in state-owned enterprises rest on personnel management, and the diathesis of human resource managers need to be improved. Meanwhile, there is a heavily lack of investment in human resource and the inspiration mechanism is not perfect, so the positivity of employees cannot be mobilized, and the diathesis of employees cannot adapt to the requirement of market economy. The traditional personnel management system has restricted the deeply reform of state-owned enterprises. Transforming personnel management into human resource management is the only way of the deeply reform of state-owned enterprises. To attach importance to human resource development and management, and to improve competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, will be the focus of the reform and development of state-owned enterprises for the fut

  • 【分类号】F276.1
  • 【被引频次】10
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