

The Theme of Transedence in George Eliot’s Novels

【作者】 李艳

【导师】 聂珍钊;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文围绕19世纪英国历史转型时期特殊的文化背景,结合英国女作家乔治·爱略特的小说作品,着重分析了爱略特在女性意识和宗教信仰两方面对维多利亚时代传统文化的沿袭与革新,进而形成了她作品中独特的超越主题。 19世纪的英国,整个民族正在经历着一次前所未有的变革,社会的政治、经济秩序的改变产生着新的伦理道德、价值观念和人生信仰,然而这一变革的进行又有着挥之不去的传统文化的情结。爱略特敢于站在时代变革的前沿,用现代文明的最新成果观照传统文化,既反思传统文化中已衰朽落后的观念又积蓄其中特有的文化底蕴,进而在传统与现代之间,展开了—系列诸如男性与女性、理性与信仰、上帝与自我等命题的探讨。 在两性问题上,她敢于打破维多利亚时代对女性的传统定义,在一种更加开放和立体的社会背景下去发现女性自身的价值和意义,同时爱略特又敢于超越两性的二元对立,在更深刻的人性反思中,她极力描绘男性和女性相互补益相互交融的和谐景象。在宗教信仰方面,她冲破了传统宗教中此岸世界与彼岸世界之间的界限,否定了上帝作为偶像崇拜对人性的束缚,并且试图瓦解以男性话语为权威的宗教秩序,力图使宗教信仰回归现世生活,回归真实人性。她认为真正的精神信仰存在于人类创造性的生命实践过程中,存在于人与人之间互相体认,互相关爱的情感升华中。不论是对两性问题,还是对信仰问题,爱略特都试图超越传统文化与现代文明之间的二元对立。爱略特深刻意识到传统与现代之间的递接与交汇有着重要的文化意义,她试图站在文化反思的立场上,在传统与现代之间寻找到一种文化的承继和超越。进而真正把握文明的更迭与变迁,维护文明的统一性和完整性。

【Abstract】 George Eliot is the British authoress of the Victorian Age, who experiences the historical transition of 19th century in Britain. Based on the analysis of her novels, this dissertation attempts to explore Eliot’s heritage and innovation of Victorian traditions in terms of feminine consciousness and religious thoughts, and how she forms her unique theme of transcendence in her works.The era Eliot lives in witnesses an unprecedented change. The political and economical changes bring forth to the new ethical moralities, values and beliefs, but they take place in the traditional cultural context and therefore unavoidably relate to the tradition. Eliot, a pioneer of the age, views the traditional culture in a modern perspective, not only reflecting the decaying parts of the tradition, but also absorbing the nutrition of its essence. Eliot explores a series of opposite contentions namely man and woman, logos and religion, god and ego, etc.In terms of gender, George Eliot has a bold attitude. Eliot breaks though the traditional conception of women in the Victorian Age, and tries to represent women’s value and significance in an open and stereoscopic social background. Meanwhile Eliot’s innovation lies in her transcendence of the antinomy of two sexes. With her insightful concern of humanity, Eliot depicts harmony between man and woman as complementary part of each other. The other breakthrough Eliot makes is in religious belief. She breaks down the boundary of this life and the after life in a traditional religious sense. She denies both the repression of humanity from God and the hegemony of male theological discourse. As she believes, real spiritual faith exists in the human practice and their mutual affection. In a word, both in her concern of gender and religion, Eliot attempts to transcend the antinomy between traditional culture and modern civilization. She has acute consciousness of the cultural significance in the transition and interaction between tradition andmodernity. Eliot reflects the interrelation between tradition and modernity, and attains to a cultural heritage and transcendence, so that she could recognize the continuation and transition of civilization and maintain its unity and integrality.

  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】295

