

Exploration of P.E Reform from the Visual Angle of Humanistic Education Ideology in School

【作者】 李万虎

【导师】 王健;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从根本上讲,教育的本质是“培养人的社会活动”,进入21世纪以人为中心的新的发展观已成为教育的一种基本理念,人是教育的出发点及最终归宿,教育的根本目的是为了“一切学生的发展和学生的全面发展”。 本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,从西方人本主义教育思潮兴起及其教育观念对现代教育的影响和启迪着手,探讨人本主义教育思想对学校体育教育改革的启示及构建符合“以认为本”的教育理念的学校体育教育基本框架。以期为当前的学校体育课程改革提供一些参考。 人本主义教育思想的原动力是20世纪60年代在美国兴起的人本主义心理学,其主要代表人物有罗杰斯、马斯洛等。人本主义教育观重视人的尊严和价值,强调对学生的尊重和爱护,把教学活动的重心转向学生,注重发挥学生的主体性和创造性及个性培养。 本论文研究认为:依据人本主义教育思想审视和指导我国的学校体育教育,必须树立如下理念:体育是对学生的一种教育方式,必须以实现教育的本质目的为指导,确立人本精神在体育教育中的基础地位,在教学中强调内外价值的统一,关注学生的价值体认,尊重学生的主体地位,促进个性发展。 本论文研究认为:在当前基础教育改革的进程中,体育教育改革必须在教育目的上树立“健康第一“的指导思想,促进学生身心全面发展;在课程改革上以健康观为指导,课程定位、目标、内容、结构等体现人文观的价值取向;在教育方式上实施主体性教学,突出学生的主体地位;在教学评价上淡化甄别与选拔功能,强调非智力因素评价、过程评价和学生的自我评价。

【Abstract】 In 21th-century, a new developing thought of people as center has become a fundamental education principle. Radically speaking, the essence of education is an activity of cultivating human beings, therefore, all students’progress, as well as every student’s full-scale development should be the essential aim of educatoin.Humanistic education ideology, the impetus of it is humanistic psychology which arose in 1960s in America, whose chief representatives sush as A.H.Maslow, C.R.Rgess etc, pay more attention to the dignity and value of human beings, emphasize the respect and cherish to students, treat students as teaching focus, think highly of the subjectivity. creativity and personality-fostering of students.With the inspection and guide of humanistic education ideology, these conceptions as follow should be established in P.E reform in china. As an educational method to students, P.E must take achieving essential purpose of education as its nucleus, the basic status of humanistic spirit should be established in P.E, the integration of internal and external value should be stressed and the experience and recognition of students should be concerned and the subjective position of students should be respected and personality development of students should be accelerated in teaching.In the process of current basic education reform, the guideline of "health first" and promoting body and soul advance of students should be established on educational target in P.E reform. Subjectivity teaching should be carried out in teaching pattern. Heathy idea and humanistic value election should be reflected on curriculum orientation, goal, contents, structure in curriculum innovation.Distinguishable and selective function should be desalted, but ir-intellectual factor evaluation, process evaluation, self-evaluation of students should be emphasized in teaching evaluation.

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】834

