

Study on the Management of Chinese Military Qualified Person in New Era

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 刘筱红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 军事竞争说到底是人才的竞争。自从人类社会有了战争,就有了军事人才,同时也产生了与之相适应的军事人才思想。随着新军事革命的兴起,世界各国特别是一些发达国家都加快了国防和武装力量改革的步伐,努力追求军队质量上的优势。海湾战争、科索沃战争使世界各国更加关注国防和军事人才问题,普遍认为高素质的官兵是打赢未来信息战、数字战的关键,必须造就高素质的军人。因此,除了制定新的作战理论,加快武器装备更新,改革体制编制,裁减军队员额,组建新型(数字化、信息化)部队外,在士兵的服役年龄与时间,军官的培训与选拔,官兵的比例结构,军官的职业化、专业化等方面采取了许多措施。尽管各国军队性质不尽相同,但国防与军队建设的一般规律却是相同的。加强对外军、我军特别是外军军事人才现状的研究,既是竞争对抗、“知己知彼”的需要,也是丰富和完善军事人才建设的需要。未来的激烈竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。人才是最珍贵的战略资源,如何构建科学的人才发展战略,加速培养适应未来战争需要的军事人才,已成为军事领域竞争的关键所在。 本文力图从军事人才的基本理论、我军军事人才管理模式以及军事人才发展战略思考等三个方面入手,全面分析研究新世纪我军人才管理的特点,提出新时期我军人才的发展战略。全文共分三个部分。第一部分,人才、军事人才的基本理论阐释。主要介绍人才、军事人才的涵义以及军事人才的基本特征。第二部分,我军军事人才管理模式。从军事人才管理法制化的必然性、新时期军事人才管理法制化的特征、以及实现军事人才管理法制化的基本途径等方面阐述我军军事人才管理法制化的必要性。第三部分,军事人才发展战略思考。通过分析我军军事人才发展战略的特点和作用,以及外军人才发展战略的基本趋势,提出如何完善我军新时期军事人才管理模式的具体建议。 本文深入剖析了中外军事人才管理的特点和规律。在如何加强军事人才法制化管理、如何完善军事人才培养体系以及如何优化军事人才的任用机制等方面提出了独到的见解。特别是将军事人才纳入法制化管理的提法颇有创新之义。

【Abstract】 Military competition is actually a competition of qualified person. Since there is warfare, military qualified person is being needed. In the meantime, the theory of military qualified person comes into being. Along with the rising of the new military revolution, all countries, especially the developed countries, have quickened their steps of reforming of national defense and armed forces. They pursue the advantage of military quality as best as they can. After the Gulf War and the Kosovo War, people in each country have paid great attention to the questions of the national defense and military qualified person. It is generally regarded that military person with high ability is the key to win the future information warfare and digital warfare. It is necessary that we should train a group of military person with high ability. Therefore, apart from establishing the new operation theories, quickening the renewal of arm equipments, reforming the system of establishments, reducing the number of the military staffs, forming the new type of military troops (such as digital troops and information troops), it has taken a great many of measures in many areas, such as the service age and life of soldiers, the training and selecting of military officers, the scale and structure of soldiers and officers, the professional and specialization of military officers. Although there are some differences in characters, it is sameness in common regularity of national defense and construction of armed forces. Reinforcing the research of the status of military qualified person is not only to meet the needs of competition and counterwork, but also to meet the enrichment and perfection of military qualified person. In the final analysis, the future military competition is the competition of qualified person. The qualified person is the most valuable strategic resource. How to establishing the scientific developing stratagem of qualified person and enhancing the training course of military qualified person to meet needs of the future warfare has become the key point in the area of the military competition.By studying the basic theory of the military qualified person, the management system of our military qualified person, and the thought of developing stratagem of our military qualified person, analyzing the character of our military qualifiedperson in new century thoroughly, bringing forward the way of developing stratagem of our military qualified person. The paper includes three major parts. The first part is about the basic theory of qualified person and military qualified person. It explores the basic concept and essential characters of qualified person and military qualified person. The second part is the management system of our military qualified person. It includes the inevitability of legal management of military qualified person, the character of legal management of military qualified person in the new era, and the basic way to achieve the legal management of military qualified person. From these three sides, it analyzes the necessity of legal management of military qualified person. The third part is about the thought of developing stratagem of military qualified person. By analyzing the character and function of developing stratagem of our military qualified person, and essential trends of developing stratagem of foreign military qualified person, the author gives some constructive suggestion about how to perfect the management system of our military qualified person.The author analyses the character and regularity of the management of foreign and our military qualified person thoroughly. And there are some original opinions in the paper, such as how to reinforce the legal management of military qualified person, how to perfect the training system of military qualified person, and how to optimize the appoint mechanism of military qualified person. Especially the opinion of taking the military qualified person into the legal management system is a creative idea.

【关键词】 中国军事人才管理研究
【Key words】 Chinamilitary qualified personmanagementstudy
  • 【分类号】E25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】522

