

Inquiry Teaching Theory and Application in High School Physics Practice

【作者】 陈毅

【导师】 韩可芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会已经步入知识经济的时代,“知识爆炸”、“信息爆炸”、“终身学习”成为我们这个时代的特征。我国的经济建设和社会发展对人才的需求也由知识型人才转向能力型人才。这对我们基础教育工作者提出了更高的要求。 长期以来,我国基础教育(尤其是高中教育)以培养学生的应试能力为主要教学目的,故称“应试教育”。这是多年的高考制度所造成的教育畸形发展,已经不能满足当代社会对人才的需求。国家正在探索对高考制度的改革,从“3+2”变为“3+小综合”、“3+大综合”、“3+1+1”,都是为了找到一种适合我国国情的高考制度。 面对现状,教育制度也正在发生积极的改变,素质教育应运而生,出现了多种以培养学生素质和能力为目的的新型教育教学方法,如:情景式教学、研究性学习、协作性学习、探究式教学等。其中探究式教学以采用模拟科学探究过程和方法,突出学生学习主动性,注重学生实践能力和科学思维方法的培养而受到广大教育工作者的重视。通过深入地研究表明:在教学中采用探究教学的方式可以激发学生探索自然和探究事物的兴趣,掌握基本的探索和认识事物的方法与技能,增进学生对世界的认识能力。 本文对在高中物理教学中实施探究式教学的理论和实践进行了系统的研究。论文分为四个部分,第一部分(第一章)对探究式教学进行了概述,提出了“探究式教学”的定义,分析其实质与内涵,并简述了当前我国探究式教学中出现的一些问题。第二部分(第二章)讨论了探究式教学的理论基础,从认知心理学和有意义学习理论、建构主义学习理论三个方面进行研究,其中建构主义学习理论从知识观、学习活动观、学生观和对教师行为的影响这四个角度进行论述。第三部分(第三章)论述了探究式教学的分类和国内外主要的探究教学模式,为提出自己设计的探究式教学打下基础。第四部分(第四章)是本文的重心,探讨了高中物理探究式教学的设计,并在高中物理教学实践中加以运用。首先,从高中物理课程特点、高中学生、物理教学大纲等方面对高中物馨硕士学位论文MASTER’5 TrJESIS一===========竺竺竺竺 理实施探究式教学的可行性进行分析;然后对探究式教学设计加以论述;最后 以“平抛物体的运动”为例论述了探究式教学的实践运用,将“平抛物体的运 动”这一知识点分成了两个部分:新课教学采用的是教师讲授与学生实验相结 合的定向归纳探究式教学;然后由学生自主设计实验来验证“平抛物体运动规 律”的自由归纳探究式教学。 本文关于在高中物理实施“探究式教学”的理论与实践的研究,对于改进 高中物理教学的方式、提高教学效率等方面具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of knowledge economic times, the talents that our society needs have changed into ability-oriented from knowledge-oriented ones, which gives a higher request for our basic education.To meet such request, many new teaching-learning models have sprouted out, such as Situational Teaching Model, Research Learning, Co-operating Learning models and Inquiry Teaching Model, in which, Inquiry Teaching is paid special attention in high schools. Inquiry Teaching methodology aims at helping arouse students’ inner interest so as to initiate their own desire for observation, inquiry andresearch.This paper is a research on how to apply Inquiry Teaching theory to high school physics teaching practice. Four chapters are presented: the first chapter is a brief introduction to Inquiry Teaching, including its definition, nature and connotation; in Chapter 2, the author gives an theoretical account of Inquiry Teaching in the views of cognitive psychology, significant learning theory and constructive learning theory; in Chapter 3, Inquiry Teaching types are classified and in the meantime, some main Inquiry Teaching models home and abroad are introduced; in the last chapter, the author focuses on how to carry out Inquiry Teaching models in specific high school physics teaching. In this chapter, an accessible analysis is firstly made, which is based on the features of the current high school physics teaching, the teaching syllabus and the characteristics of the students. Then, on a basis of it, a teaching design is made. Eventually, "the Motion of Level Projectile" being taken as an example, the paper illustrates how to put the above teaching design into practice. During the whole process, two types of Inquiry Teaching models are employed. One is directional inducing model, involved inteachers’ explanation and students’ experiments; the other is free inducing model, involved in students’ own experimental designs.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】910

