

The Inspection of Integration of the Science Curriculum and Information Technology

【作者】 胡余斌

【导师】 韩可芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十一世纪是一个“学习化”的时代,它具有鲜明的时代特征:一是以多媒体和网络技术为代表的信息时代的到来;二是知识经济初露端倪。新的时代的人才必须是具有很高信息素养的创新人才,学习的重点也从“储备性学习”转向“终身学习”,这些都对基础教育提出了新的挑战。 当前我国基础教育领域正进行一场意义深远的课程改革,在初中阶段设置综合课程是顺应时代发展的举措之一,初中科学课程在这种背景下出现了。初中科学课程涵盖了分科课程中的物理、化学、生物和自然地理的内容,突出“整合”和“探究”两个特点,以提高每一个初中生的科学素养为总目标。 在这场基础教育改革中,突出强调信息技术与课程的整合。信息技术与课程的整合,将对课程的各个组成部分产生变革影响和作用。近几年来,国内有许多地区、许多单位在不同的学科课程,特别是文科课程与信息技术整合进行试验性探索,并已在不同程度上取得效果。相对来讲,在理科课程与信息技术整合的经验就少的多,特别是关于科学课程这样新型的综合理科课程如何与信息技术整合,研究更少。 本文主要采用文献法、实验法进行研究,以相关的哲学、心理学、教学论为理论基础,探讨综合课程与信息技术整合的具体实施途径。文中笔者针对初中科学课程本身的特点,利用已有的“情景—探究”模式和“网络主题探究活动”模式,作了一些初中科学课程与信息技术整合的尝试和探索。文章共三部分(第一章、第二章、第三章),第一部分介绍了课程整合的含义,信息技术与课程整合的发展及内涵,以及科学课程与信息技术整合的意义;第二部分从哲学、心理学、教学论及系统科学论等方面探讨了课程与信息技术整合的理论基础;第三部分结合实践,阐述了在理论的指导下,笔者利用已有的“情景—探究”模式和“网络主题探究活动”模式,在初中科学课程与信息技术整合方面进行的一些实践探索和思考。

【Abstract】 The 21st century marks the arrival of Information Age and Knowledge Economy, which is characteristic with multi-media and Internet technology. New Age demands qualified talents who must be highly informative. And in the meantime, the view of learning has also changed, from "storage study" to "lifelong study", the latter brings in a great challenge for Chinese education.In such background, a new circle of Primary Curriculum Reform came in being, in which a totally new subject, called Science Course is introduced to Junior Schools. This new subject integrates four separate subjects, which have been taught separately in Junior Schools before. The four separate subjects, which shared intrinsic interrelationship in some certain fields, are as follows: Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Natural Geography. The adoption of SL attempts to break the interdisciplinary boundaries and to integrate what they can be integrated so that problem-solving becomes more reasonable and successful due to the overall consideration to the focused question from different and related aspects of Science. The thesis tries to help juniors to develop their way of thinking globally, cultivate their scientific attitudes, develop their aptitudes and internalize their insight into life experience.Science Course, mainly focusing on "Integration and Inquiry", aims to get juniors tolearn Science systematically and to think in an interdisciplinary overview. In orderto get juniors to learn integrated scientific knowledge and skills more successfully with the benefit of Internet and Web Quest, the researcher first gives a literature review of the previous achievements and then adopts experimental research method. This thesis presents 3 chapters:The first chapter is an introduction to the background of the thesis, including the introduction to the integrated process of the 4 separate subjects taught beforehand, the definition and development of the information Technology and even the significance of this research; in Chapter2, the author gives an account of theoretical background of the Integration of Information Technology and Course from philosophical and psychological viewpoint and from methodology and systematic science; in Chapter 3, the author puts forward his own views on how to integrate information technology and primary science course.

  • 【分类号】G633.98
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】411

