

Computer Assisted Teaching in English Listening and Speaking in Middle Schools

【作者】 宋松

【导师】 赵呈领;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 英语教学主要是培养学生的听、说、读、写、译五会能力。中学的英语教学对学生的英语水平起着十分关键的作用。但是,我国目前中学英语教学中存在着重语法分析,轻听说能力培养的问题。很多学生,经过多年的英语学习,付出了许多艰辛的劳动,直到中学甚至大学毕业,也无法与人沟通。究其原因,主要是部分英语教师在教学中,因自身水平有限或缺乏对语言规律的了解,未能做到在教学中以听说教学领先。因此木文在第一部分探讨了为什么在中学英语教学中要做到听说领先。然后在分析中学英语听说教学现状的前提下,提出了如何做到听说领先的几条建议。本文的第二部分“如何开展英语听说教学”,分析了影响学生听力理解的几个因素以及在口语教学中的存在哪些困难,结合自己在听说教学中的体会和其它英语教师的教学经验,分别就如何进行英语听力教学和口语教学的方法进行了较详细的探讨。随着计算机科学技术的迅猛发展,多媒体越来越多地运用于课堂教学,特别是辅助英语听说教学。这为广大的中学英语教师培养学生的听说能力提供了十分便利的条件,同时也对中学英语教师的素质提出了更高的要求。因此本文的第三部分“计算机辅助中学英语听说教学”,论述了计算机辅助英语教学的理论基础及优势,然后分别就计算机如何辅助英语听力教学和口语教学进行了探讨。为了更好地搞好英语的听说教学,英语教师应该对学生的英语水平有充分的认识,对教学中应采取什么样的有效的策略做到心中有数,亦即对英语的听说教学进行充分的准备。木文在最后的一章,运用现代教学理论作指导,着重探讨了英语的听说教学设计的理论和方法问题,并对案例进行了分析,以期对中学英语教师进行听说教学有一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 The main purpose of English teaching is to train students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. The middle-school stage is vital to the their learning. But the English teaching in China over-emphasizes grammatical analysis, and neglects training students’ listening and speaking ability. Many students, including some college graduates, can’t communicate in English in spite of their great efforts. The main cause is that some teachers haven’t put in the first place the teaching of listening and speaking due to limited knowlede or inadequate understanding of language rules. The first part of this thesis probes into the reason why listening and speaking should come first in English teaching. After analysis of the current situation of English teaching, several proposals are put forward for reference. In Part Two, analyses are made about some factors affecting students’ listening and speaking ability. With the rapid development of computer science and technology, multi-media are more frequently used in assisting English teaching, especially in listening and speaking training. That provides a lot of conveniency for middle school teachers while more is required as to the teachers quality. The third part of this thesis comes to how to enhance English teaching in listening and speaking with computer assistance. In order to improve their teaching, teachers should know the students’ current English levels, and bear in mind those effective tactics in teaching, that is, make adequate preparations for teaching. So in the last part, guided by modern teaching theory, the thesis deals empatically with the design of English teaching in listening and speaking, hoping it will be of some help to teachers when carrying out their teaching in English listening and speaking.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】928

