

The Formation of Global Ethics

【作者】 张治武

【导师】 俞怀宁;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际政治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和社会交往、信息流通全球化进程的深入,寻求“全球伦理”问题成为学界的热点课题。本文顺着学术界发展的主流方向,重新系统地定义了全球伦理。认为,“全球伦理”是社会生产力发展国际化、经济发展全球化的必然产物,是一个历史范畴;是旨在推动建立公正合理的全球新秩序而孕育起来的普遍承认的规范和原则;是承认不同国家、不同民族伦理道德个性差异前提下的“普世伦理”、“全球伦理”;是最低标准与最高标准全球伦理的统一体。 本文阐述了寻求“全球伦理”的必要性,认为由于社会生产力发展的国际化,使得经济全球化进程加快,国与国之间的经济关系逐步走向互相渗透、广泛合作,从而使得世界各国人们之间相互交往、国家与国家之间的相互交往不断加深。但是另一方面经济全球化带来了新的全球性的问题,怎样使得国际社会处在一个有序、公平、正义的伦理道德之中,是“全球伦理”必须解决的问题。在此基础上,分析了构建“全球伦理”的可能性,其一是从伦理比较低层的道德来说,有其构建的可能;其二是“全球伦理”有其现实的可能性。然而构建“全球伦理”的过程并不是一帆风顺的,必须克服障碍,积极创造条件构建“全球伦理”。真正的“全球伦理”要以集体主义作为构建原则,着眼于“全球伦理”观念上的趋同、寻求道德上的共识及关注全球普遍存在的重大问题。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of economic globalization, social communication and informational circulation, research on global ethics has become popular in the academic field. In accordance with tendency, this thesis deals with a systematic definition of global ethics. It claims that global ethics is a necessity owing to the internationalization of social productivity development and the globalization of economic development. It also argues that global ethics falls into a historical category, presenting the widely accepted codes and principles which aim to promote forming the fair and just new order in the world. Additionally, it believe that global ethics is a world-wide morality based on the prerequisite of accepting the individual difference in ethics among different nations and states. And it says global ethics become an entity of both maximum and minimum criteria.The paper discusses that the communication among people in different nations and countries are increasingly deepening with the development of globalization of world economy and the mutual infiltration and broad co-operation of different states. This contributes to the feasibility of forming global ethics. However, this process will be sure to be blocked. Only on the basis of collectivism, can the real global ethics be formed.

【关键词】 全球伦理全球道德集体主义
【Key words】 global ethicsglobal moralscollectivism
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【下载频次】211

