

A Research into the Design of Legal Institutions about Stock Option

【作者】 姜虹

【导师】 魏森;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 股票期权产生于现代公司激励机制的安排,它以“取得无偿性、行权的收益性、可选择性与限制性”为基本特点而区别于其它激励机制,它的法律性质不可一概而论,应视不同阶段作不同分析,即在授予日至可行权日之前,为既得权;在可行权日至发出行权通知日之前,为形成权;在发出行权通知日至实际行权日,为请求权。 欧美财务丑闻引起了对股票期权实用价值的质疑,因此,构建股票期权法律制度须首先面对的就是股票期权价值的评断问题。本文通过对欧美财务丑闻根本原因的比较分析与对当今世界成功实施股票期权公司的实例统计,肯定了股票期权仍具有降低代理成本、吸引与稳定经理人才并消除其短视心理、缓解内部人控制的激励价值。 但是,目前我国实施股票期权计划还存在着诸多法律障碍。在我国公司中已仓促上台多年的“期股”似股票期权出现了或无法可依或有悖现行法律制度或具体操作紊乱等诸多问题。究其原因就在于:我国立法层对股票期权的司法实践迟迟未做出积极的回应,我国不仅没有一部关于股票期权的单行立法,而且现行的公司、证券、税收、会计、劳动等主要经济法律制度并没有为股票期权的实施提供任何法律依据,甚至成为障碍。因此,如何从法律的角度科学地构建我国的股票期权制度,已成为我国法学界须进一步探索与研究的极具时代意义的法学课题。 我国立法机构应与时俱进,积极回应股票期权在中国的法律实践,以行政法规形式的单行立法为主导,以完善涉及股票期权的现行法律制度为辅助,同时以欧美财务黑洞事件教训为戒,准确把握科学性、系统性与协调性的立法要求,着重健全以下基本内容:标的股票来源制度、股票期权授予与行权制度、股票期权信息披露制度、股票期权的税收征收与会计制度、股票期权变更与丧失的法定事由、股票期权的民事法律责任以及证券监管制度、公司治理制度。

【Abstract】 The theory firstly indicates that stock option stemmed from stimulation institutions, and has the vivid characteristics including gratuitous gain and beneficial, selective, but restrictive exercise make it different from other stimulation institutions. The nature of stock option that is considered an object of this kind right has been an important subject on law research into stock option. There are mainly two different views on the nature of stock option that it is regarded as an" unilateral right "or "expected right". This theory shows that the nature of stock option shouldn’t be simply summered up to a definite right, but should be made a final conclusion according to the specific situation as the following: from the date of reward to the date of given exercise, it is an accomplished right; from the date of given exercise to the date of sending the letter of exercise, it is an unilateral right; from the date of approval of exercise to the date of true exercise, it is a requested right.The financial scandals hi Europe and America just set up an essential alarm bell for all of countries who are practicing or are to practice stock option, which is whether stock option can still make its functions well on the present time or whether it is necessary and valuable to practice stock option in China. Therefore, the first task is just supposed to affirm its practical value before how to design scientific law institutions about the Chinese stock option. The theory gives a certain answer to practical value of stock option by making a scientific and comparative analysis on the cardinal reasons why the financial scandals occurred in Europe and America and by listing many successful companies around the world that are practicing stock option. On the above basis, the writer is sure that stock option still can bring into such stimulation effects as a lower agent cost, a stronger appeal to t employments for managers, a more permanent attitude at corporation’s management and a more perfect corporation’s management structure due to alleviate the problem about "control by insiders".However, there appear many relevant law obstacles to designing the Chinese stock option law institutions. Except for Lenovo and Fangzheng Corporation and so on that have just appeared on the stock market in Hong Kong, the Chinese stock option (it actually isn’t worthy of its name, but only anexpected stock) that has put into practice for several years in haste lacks it adequate theoretical demonstrations and legal foundations, with the result that it similar to the expected stock has been sinking into such problems as lack of law foundations, violation of the present laws and practical operations in a state of confusion. It is undutiful that the most essential reason is that the Chinese legislation committee hasn’t made an active reaction into practices on the Chinese stock option, Therefore, from the law point of view, how to design the Chinese stock option institution will still be a theory subject with some important epoch meanings that is supposed to be further researched by Chinese scholars. Not only is there a special law about stock option, but the present such economical law institutions as corporation law, stock law, tax revenue law, accountancy law and labor law can’t become a law basis and even become some terrible obstacles to the Chinese stock option. So the only way to giving an exact nature and a perfect operating guide is just to design the law institutions about the Chinese stock option.The Chinese legislation committee is bound to keep the same pace with the practice of the Chinese stock option and then designs the law institutions about the Chinese stock option by a special legislation that should adopt a form of administrative law. At the same time, it is vital to consummate the present law institutions related to stock option including the stock supervision institutions and corporation’s management structure institutions. On the basis of such a consideration, this theory plays an emphasis on how to design the specific law in

  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【下载频次】128

