

Research and Application of Oilfield Production Information System

【作者】 李双成

【导师】 李玲远;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 无线电物理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络的不断发展,人们利用网络进行信息交流的应用范围越来越广泛,河南油田各二级单位也陆续建立了自己的网站系统,促进了本单位的企业信息化建设。 油田开发数据库,作为局八大重点数据库之一,在网络应用的呼声之下也得到了长足的发展,截止2001年底,油田开发系统内部各单位也都建立起了一定规模的开发数据分库,并在此基础上开发了一些应用。但存在一定的弊端,比如,基于数据库的应用基本上都是客户/服务器(C/S)模式,操作、维护不方便,在单位之间推广相当困难,另外,开发系统内部也缺少一个统一高效、安全稳定的生产信息系统。 基于以上背景,我们提出开发一个油田生产信息系统的研究课题,该课题的目标主要有如下三个:1、有效连通各开发数据分库,实现油田生产信息纵向、横向的互通;2、建立一个网上信息交流平台,实现生产信息传递及办公功能的自动化;3、对整个系统应用一个合理的、有效的、安全的安全管理机制,使数据的保密、安全得到有效的保证。为此,我们设计了通过JDBC数据库连接池技术实现对各开发数据分库的有效连接;通过Jsp、JavaBean技术进行业务功能和安全管理功能的开发,通过JavaBean模块化编程,实现了代码重用,大大提高了系统开发效率。 通过利用JavaBean、Jsp以及Oracle数据库等技术进行开发,最终建成了油田生产信息系统,该系统实现了开发系统内部各单位开发数据库之间的有效连通,使开发静态、动态数据可以方便地共享、实时查询与对比分析,大大提高了数据的利用率和利用水平;作为开发系统的一个上网平台,其邮件、文档、消息等功能也为授权用户的网上交流提供了极大的方便,为用户提供了一个网上交流平台,方便了日常工作。硕士学位论文八认51’ER’51’I止5 15 从信息系统试运行反馈的信息来看,系统界面友好、易于操作,各功能模块都具有易于操作和维护,实用性强的特点。该系统被认为是一个实用、高效的油田生产信息综合性应用系统。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer network, the application range of communication is becoming more and more extensive. The 2nd level units of HeNan Oilfield all build up their website system one after another, and those have promoted the information construction of the enterprises.HeNan Oilfield exploitation database, as one of the eight most important databases, has developed too much under the large need of network applications. By the end of 2001, all the units within Henan oilfield exploitation system had set up certain scale of exploitation database branches. Under the basis of databases, these units also had developed some applications. But those applications have certain drawbacks, for example, they are basically running under the mode of C/S, so the operation and maintain are not too convenient. These drawbacks have resulted in the rather difficulties for popularization. Additionally, the whole oilfield exploitation system is lack of a uniform, highly efficient, safe and reliable production information system.Based on such considerations, we bring forward the project of developing this oilfield production information system. With this system, we can effectively connect each exploitation database and realize vertical and horizontal intercommunication of oilfield production information. By building a web information exchange platform, we can realize the automation of transferring of production information and dealing with the office issues. By applying a legitimate, effective and safe management rule, we can ensure the secrecy and safety of all the data. To achieve these goals, we have designed to realize the effective connection to each production database by JDBC Database Connection Pool. By JavaBean modelization programming, we have realized code-reuse and this largely improved the development efficiency.Developing with the technologies of JavaBean, Jsp, Oracle database and etc.,we can build up the oilfield production information intercommunication system. With this system, we can effectively connect each exploitation database and make static and dynamic data shared, inquired and analyzed conveniently. This will largely improve the rate and level of using data. As a platform of using web in the oilfield exploitation system, its functions of Email, document and message make staffs feel very convenient. In short, this system is providing staffs with a web information platform and making daily work easy.Seen from the information of the tested running, the information system has friendly interfaces and easy operations. Its functional models are of the good characteristics such as easy operation, easy maintain and high utility. This system is regarded as a highly effective and integrated oilfield production information application system.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】146

