

On the Predominate Role of Teachers in Senior High School Classic Chinese Teaching

【作者】 张霞

【导师】 刘兴林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对高中生学习文言文实际状况的调查,指出高中文言文学习效率不高的根本原因在于教师主导作用的缺失。具体而言主要表现在:教师教学中主导意识不强,缺乏明确导向,教学目标模糊;在对学生的引导上未能有效激发其学习积极性和创造性;在对教材的处理上未能体现对教材的再创造。总之,对于文言文的教与学,教师缺乏高屋建瓴的宏观把握。 针对这一问题,本文结合文言文自身特点,将认知结构、建构主义、系统论等教育学、心理学理念引入教学过程的设置中。认为教师在文言文教学中,首先应加强主导意识,充分认识文言文的学习价值,具体把握教学目标。其次,要主动建构文言文教学系统,做到胸有成竹、因材施教。

【Abstract】 This text passes to living the inquisition of studying the actual condition in text in speech in text to the senior high school, pointing out the not high and basic reason in efficiency of study of senior high school text speech text consist in the imperfection that teacher predominate function. Concrete but the speech expresses primarily at. It predominate the consciousness in teacher’s teaching not strong, lack the clear and definite leading to, the teaching target is misty; Could not to stir up its study positive effectively with creates in to the student’s leading sex; Could not in handles to the teaching material now to again creating of the teaching material. In fine, talk to the text the text teach with learn, the teacher lacks the macroscopic confidence.Aim at this problem, this text combination text speech text oneself characteristics, lead perception construction, construction or purchase doctrine, and system theory etc. principle into the teaching process to establish. Think that teacher is in text talk culture and education learned, should enhance the predominant consciousness first, know the study that text talk text the value well, concrete full with confidence teaching target. The next in order, want the active construction or purchase text the speech the culture and education learn the system, attaining to have ready plans to meet a situation, teach according to his ability.

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】675

