

【作者】 俞前安

【导师】 巴登尼玛; 顾美玲;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分析了我国西部贫困地区女童教育中存在的问题、原因及对策,力图在理论分析与比较分析方面推进对这一问题的研究。 与我国东部经济较发达地区相比,西部贫困地区女童教育还非常落后。主要表现在实现两基验收人口覆盖率、初等义务教育发展水平、生均教育经费支出、办学条件、师资队伍建设等方面的指标,西部与东部存在较大差距。在贫困地区内部,女童教育落后于男童教育。 在分析现状的基础上,对影响我国西部贫困地区女童教育发展的因素进行了分析。每一个社会总会有许许多多社会、经济的因素,但是,一个社会现象通常是由几个重要的因素作用产生。本文认为制约中国西部贫困地区女童教育发展的最主要的因素是经济。此外性别分工、自然环境、学校的不完善、社会的不平等、性别歧视也是制约女童教育发展的重要原因。 今天发展西部贫困地区女童教育具有深远的影响。主要有受教育的权利、改善健康和营养、发展经济和经济公平、人口控制、生态环境保护、提高妇女的社会地位等。 最后对发展西部贫困地区女童教育的策略进行了分析。认为西部贫困地区女童教育发展应坚持教育公平的原则,以人为中心的内源发展原则,以人为本,实现教育与社会的协调发展。针对这一问题的解决提出了一些建议。1、加大国家对西部贫困地区义务教育投资。2、重新确定贫困地区女童教育目标和教育内容。3、西部贫困地区女童小学毕业后自愿分流;区分精英教育和职业教育。4、募集慈善捐款对西部贫困地区教师进行资助与培训。5、创办《西部贫困地区女童教育研究》杂志。6、对西部贫困地区女童教育进行补贴。7、借鉴别国在女童教育发展中非正规教育的经验,关注大龄女童的教育问题。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on education of pinching poverty area girl child in West China and attempts to advance the research into the question in two aspects : theoretical analysis and comparative analysis .Education of our country the west area girl child’s present situation and main problem were first analysed ,Moreovef against the east has been underway comparatively researching . Chiefly check before acceptance the population cover rate by means of achieving " two foundations " . The level is developed in primary compulsory education . all education outlay payment Run a school term Respects such as the teachers troops construct and so on target .Comparatively the west is living the disparity on the education development against the east.That third section adjust the element that in pinching poverty area girl child of effect our country the west education was developed has been underway the analysis . Invariably be able to there be various communities in each community Element of economy ,Yet ,Community appearance is coming into being through several significant element actions usually . It is economy that the original is think to condition the mainest element that in pinching poverty area girl child of China the west education was developed . Moreover the sexual distinction is divided the work Natural environment The educational institution does not improve Community unequal The sexual discrimination discrimination against women also is conditioning the significant reason that girl child education was developed .That fourth section was propose to develop vigorously education of in pinching poverty area girl child’s of our country in the west . Main possess the right receiving education . Improvement health and nourishment Develop economy Population control Ecology environmental protection Lifing the community position of woman await.The analysis has been underway to develops education in pinching poverty areagirl child’s of our country the west tactics to the 5th section .The original is think that in pinching poverty area girl child of the west education development ought to be persevereed in uphold educating the impartial rule ,The internal source development rule that takes man as the heart ,With artificially originally ,Achieving education is developed against community harmonization .The settlement in view of this problem propose including 1 Wideing the country adjust the in pinching poverty area compulsory education investment of the west .2 Fix the in pinching poverty area education target once more .3"The elementary school graduation starts being willing the bridging , education and profession education rigorously enforce to distinguish 4 The education is subsidized to the in pinching poverty area girl child of the west . 5 Launching the in pinching poverty area tutor of the west assist together with cultivate the sheme .6. Establishment <The in pinching poverty area girl child of the west researcies education> Magazine . 7 Draing lessons from else country is living that standard education of Central Africa experience is developed in girl child education ,Pay attention to the education problem of aged girl child .

  • 【分类号】G527
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】559

