

The Comparison and Analysis of the Orientation of the Educational Purposes between China and America-Perspectives and Their Integration of the Individual Educational Aims, Family Educational Purposes and the National Goals

【作者】 张燕军

【导师】 巴登尼玛; 顾美玲;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 古往今来,主体不同,其教育目的亦有差异。个人、家庭和国家以不同需要为依据,厘定了各不相同的教育目的。不同时期,不同国家,三者表现各异。中美两国在三者关系上历经演变,显示了不同的取向。 从历史上看,中国三者的关系表现为“修身,齐家,治国,平天下”的目的性链条:美国三者关系,不同时期,各有侧重,教育目的由“私人”的单一属性,转向个人、家庭、国家的共有属性,总体而言,主要以社会个体为中心,强调教育要以“所有儿童”为目的。 就现状而言,在学生学习目的与国家教育目的关系上,一方面,表现为学生学习目的的国家属性偏低,另一方面,表现为我国的教育目的对学生个性的发展不够重视。美国则出现了过分尊重学生的愿望、要求的问题。在家长意图和学生学习目的关系方面,中美两国家长都表示了对子女的关心。不同的是,美国家长注意子女能力的养成,尊重子女的意愿,鼓励子女自我选择。中国家长则以智育为主,主动替子女谋划“幸福”的未来。在家庭、国家教育目的关系方面,美国家庭教育目的多元化明显,国家尊重家长的意愿,两者具有较大一致性;中国家庭教育目的以“应试”为主,与国家培养“德智体美等全面发展的一代新人”相矛盾。 造成以上差异的原因是多方面的。既有社会政治、经济、科技、文化传统中美教育目的取向之比较分析—个人、家庭、国家教育目的的视角及其整合和教育体制的原因,又有个人、家庭、国家教育目的三者本身的原因。这些因素在中美两国的内容不同,侧重点各有差异,致使两国三者关系差异较大。 找出这些差异并分析其原因,有利于借鉴美国的有益经验,寻求教育目的整合的途径。即主要是使学生学习目的、家庭教育目的和国家教育目的综合化,以避免三者的分离。具体而言,就是使国家教育目的人性化,具体可操作化;使学生和家长共建民主、平等的关系;使学生学习目的和家庭、国家教育目的和谐同向。这种目的实现的必要性,源于中国教育目的分离而使教育功能弱化的现实。实现的可能性,则来自其实现有利于教育功能的发挥,有利于人健康和谐的发展。 为了实现教育目的的整合,本研究借鉴美国的一些有益做法,提出一些策略性建议,以供研究者深入探讨。

【Abstract】 From the past to the present, according to different main body, the educational aims had varied. Individuals, families and states had established different aims according to different needs. During different periods, the above aims had varied in different countries. The relationship of the three had also developed between China and the USA, and it had showed different orientations.Briefly viewed from history, in China, the relationship of the three was the aims chain as "self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the state, and making the whole kingdom peaceful and happy"; In America, different period, it had been stressed differently. Educational goals had been developed from the single private character to the joint character shared by individuals, families, and the states. Above all, it had been mainly stressed on the individuals, and had been emphasized that all of the children should be regarded as the purpose.Viewed the relationship between students’ individual purposes and the national goals from the present, on one hand, the former stressed a little on our country; On the other hand, the later neglected students’ individual characters. In America, people respect the students’ wishes excessively. On the aspect of the relationship of the parents’ intentions and students’ learning purposes, both of the parents of the two countries take great care for their children. The difference is that, American people emphasizes on the cultivation of their children’s ability, they respect their children’s intentions, and encourage them to make their own choices. But the Chinese parents show great stress on the intellectual education, andpositively design the future happiness for their children. On the aspect of the relationship of the family educational aims and the national ones, obviously, there are different educational aims in American parents’ mind, the nation respect the parents’ willingness, both of the two are quite similar; But in China, "passing the entrance examination" is the main form of the parents’ educational purposes, which is different from the national educational goals.There are many reasons of the above differences, as not only concern politics, economy, science, technology, cultural traditions and educational systems, but also include the factors of the three themselves (individual purposes, family aims and national goals). The content of these factors is different, and it is also emphasized on different aspect, so the differences of the three aims between the two countries are quite big.In order to borrow the helpful experience from America, and seek for the proper way to integrate the above three aims, we have to find their differences. The main way is to have the individual aims, family purposes and the national goals integrated so that their separation can be avoided. Particularly speaking, that is, embodying the national goals, making them more humanism; have the students and their parents cooperate to form the democratic and equal relationship with each other, and get the students’ learning purposes, the families’ aims and the national goals harmonious. The necessity of its realization comes from the reality of the feebleness of the educational function because of the separation of the three aims. While the possibility of its realization is from the fact that its realization can benefit the exertion of the educational function.To integrate the above three aims, in this research, the author had borrowed some available measure, and had put forward some politic suggestions for the pursuers to have a further research.

  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】3311

