

【作者】 王晓波

【导师】 姚淑心;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 重金属是指比重大于或者等于5.0的金属。由于其不能被微生物分解,却可以被生物体富集,并把某些重金属转为毒性更大的金属—有机化合物,所以重金属是具有潜在危害的重要污染物。随着电镀、制革等工业的发展,含重金属离子废水的排放量越来越大,对人体和环境的危害也越来越严重。学者们对重金属的水环境化学问题进行了广泛深入的研究,水体中重金属离子的分析是所有相关研究的基础。 水体中重金属离子含量很低,水中的组份复杂,各组份在不同的检测方法中容易造成干扰。所以对水中痕量重金属离子进行预富集并非常重要。当前常用的分离富集的方法有沉淀分离浓缩法、萃取分离浓缩法、离子交换分离浓缩法等。但,这些方法都要么因为不可避免地用到了化学物质而对环境不友好;要么消耗时间过长,如生物富集法。针对上述问题,需要寻找一种即环保又高效的富集剂。 皮革胶原纤维的改性和应用渐渐引起人们的注意。皮革胶原纤维是由胶原构成的结缔组织纤维,胶原纤维上具有大量的肽基(-CONH-)、羟基(-OH)、羧基(-COOH)、胺基(-NH2),且具有一种特殊的立体网状结构。这种结构决定了皮革胶原纤维能与水体中重金属离子形成络合物,从而将重金属离子加以富集。利用皮革胶原纤维的特殊结构,还可以将其接枝改性,获得更好的富集效果。皮革胶原纤维来源于动物真皮组织。不仅自然储量巨大,而且废弃后可自然降解,是一种经济且环保的富集剂。 本文研究了改性皮革胶原纤维对水体中几种重金属离子的富集条件、富集机理等富集特性。在pH二6.0的情况下,改性皮革胶原纤维能很好地富集这几种重金属离子;1.02.omo比的HN03能完全洗脱被富集的重金属离子。同时研究了温度和时间对改性皮革胶原纤维富集cu2+的影响,以及改性皮革胶原纤维对这几种重金属离子的富集容量,以及水体中常见无机粒子M扩十、K+、N’H3对改性皮革胶原纤维富集重金属离子的影响。 由试验得知,改性皮革胶原纤维是一种良好的固体络合剂。可以定量富集水体中多种微量重金属,它具有富集倍数大,吸附效率高,吸附速度快,解脱性能好,制备简单,操作方便,可多次重复使用、易于推广等优点。是继琉基棉、黄原酷棉、泡沫塑料。壳聚糖纤维素之后的又一大自然界储量丰富、且不易带来化学影响的环保型富集材料。对于改性皮革胶原纤维作为吸附材料的研究还需进行更加深入的开展,并使其形成产品加以推广和应用。

【Abstract】 Metals which specific gravity larger than 5.0 or equal to 5.0 are heavy metals. Heavy metals can’t decomposed by animalcule. On the contrary, organism can enrich them and trasfer them to mental-organic compound wich have more toxicity. Because of that , heavy metals are one of latent contamination. Along with the development of industrial of plating/curry/antisepsis and dye matter, more and more waste water containing heavy metal ion was let out. As result, the health of human being and the security of environment were hi danger. Since 1950’s , bone-ache disease appeared in Japan as a wicked result of Cadmium pollution, people paid more attention to the pollution of heavy metals. Scholars made abroad and in-depth research on the chemical characters of heavy metal ion in water. In all those studies , analysis of heavy metal work as basic research.Due to low content of heavy metal ion in water; and complex composing of the water, every group have influence on different checking method. Mass of instrument analysis, such as Emission spectrometry and Polarography, has not enough sensitivity . Even if it could check those low consistence element, basic element did infection on exactitude and precision of the checking method. Therefore enriching the trace heavy metal ion and separating it from basic element are necessary.Leather glue fibril constitute with tissue fibrin, and it occupies 95-’98% in corium fibrin. Glue fibril have a large amount of function groups such as -CONH-/-OH/-COOH/-NH2, and have special solid reticulation framework.. This kind of configuration decides that leather glue fibril can chelated the heavy metal ion in water and then enrich them.In this thesis, the condition of enriching heavy metal in water were found out: pH=6.0 and the velocity of flow V=3ml/min; and 1.0~2.0mol/L HNO3 canwash them out entirely. And the maximum absorption of heavy metals by leather glue fibril were found out, too. Alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals affect little on the process of absorption; NH3 affect the process of absorption in some degree, it depress the absorption by compete with leather glue fibril.From the experimentation, we can drew the conclusion that, leather glue fibril is one kind of good solid sorbent. It could absorb heavy metal ions in water as Cu2+,Cd2+,Co2+,Cr3+,Pb2+,Ni2+. It enriches those ions in large multiple and fast speed, and it can be washed out fast and completly. The leather glue fibril can be made in a cheap and simple way, and it could be used for many times. Besides, leather glue fibril is one kind of green material used in analysis, it could be decomposed easily after it become inefficacy. Based on that, I offer proposals for doing more research on leather glue fibril as one kind of absorption material, and manufacture it in factory.

  • 【分类号】X52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】278

