

Value and Policy for Industrialization of Steel-Structure Residence in Our Country

【作者】 蒋海杰

【导师】 张爱林;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国住宅建设的发展及钢产量的提高,钢结构住宅体系在国内开始受到关注。我国钢结构住宅尚处于探索起步阶段,从建筑材料、生产技术、防火技术、经济性及市场可接受程度,都有许多不完善之处。而且国外的建筑结构规范与我国存在差异,所以正确认识我国钢结构住宅的发展水平,以我国建筑结构规范为设计指导,以我国国产建筑材料为主要材料,进行钢结构住宅体系的开发和研究成为社会的迫切需要。本文针对目前我国钢结构住宅的发展水平,对我国钢结构住宅体系进行了综合评价。首先对现有结构形式进行分析,根据其特点,得出轻钢龙骨结构体系适于中、低层住宅或别墅。钢框架体系,钢框架支撑体系和钢框架与混凝土混合体系整体性能较好,常用于多层及高层结构,较适用于地震区。然后根据钢结构住宅利于工业化的特点,从建筑材料、技术水平及经济水平方面,与发达国家比较,对我国钢结构住宅的工业化水平进行了综合评价,并对其发展提出了相应的建议。我国建筑材料、技术水平、经济水平都基本能满足钢结构住宅工业化的要求;但仍有差距,主要表现为建筑高效钢材品种、规格短缺,室外薄型防火材料短缺及外墙材料不配套,防水、防火性能差。所以我们重点要调整产品结构,提高建材性能,开发新技术、新材料。接着依据现有的试点工程,对钢结构住宅分体系进行了综合经济效益评价。钢结构住宅基础造价低,施工周期短,建筑面积利用率高,既有利于开发商,又有利于购买商。但是由于我国钢结构住宅技术的不成熟,目前钢结构住宅费用偏高,所以要提高材料生产、技术水平,尽量降低造价。另外还从生态住宅的角度评价了钢结构住宅,钢结构本身就是一种环保材料符合生态住宅的要求。但是由于我国绿色建材发展落后,我国应加强节能、环保型绿色功能材料的研究,并制定相关建材相应的绿色评判标准。最后本文针对当前我国住宅产业化水平,提出了我国应以产业化为目标,朝体系化、市场化及国际化方向发展钢结构住宅体系,组建钢结构住宅产业集团的发展对策。

【Abstract】 With the development of residence construction and the increase ofsteel production, it also has been noticed in our country recent years.But steel structure residence has many shortfalls on materials,technology, economy and market, as it is in groping phase in our country.Furthermore there is the existing difference between the buildings codein overseas and that in civil, it is quite necessary for sociality to makeprogress in the development and study of steel structure residence systemmainly based on buildings code and materials ourselves. Integrating with steel structure residence level in our country inthis paper, the general value has been done. At first, from structuremodality, this paper analysis the character of structure, and proposesthe applicability of every structure. Light steel structure often usesin low-store residence. Steel-framed structure and Steel-concrete mixedstructure have good mechanics, and often use in high residence. Moreover, basing on the character of steel structure’s easier forthe process of industrialization, comparing with the advanced country,the general value on industrial level has been done, from buildingsmaterials, technology and economy .All these can primarily supply thedemands of industrialization. Comparing with the advanced country, thereare still gaps in steel’s sorts and sizes, fireproof materials and wallmaterials. So we should put emphasizes on products’ structure andincrease the characteristics of materials and develop new technology andmaterial. Then basing on the current exemplary projects, the general economicvalue has been valued. For steel structure residence, the ground fee islow and the time of project is short. These are beneficial to investorand purchaser. But because the technology of steel structure residencein our country is unformed, the fixing fee now is more expensive. We should II<WP=6>try our best to decrease the price by developing our material andtechnology . Meantime, from biology angle, it has been valued. Steel structureitself is a kind of green material. But the green material in our countryis underdeveloped, we should try our best to develop the green materialand father make the corresponding standars. At last, integrating with the industrialization of residence levelin our country, the paper proposes the corresponding systemic, marketableand international antidotes to boost its industrialization’sdevelopment. Moreover it proposes the form of industrial group for steelstructure residence.

【关键词】 钢结构住宅评价产业化
【Key words】 steel structure residencevalueindustrialization
  • 【分类号】F426.92
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】936

