

The Study on Application of Geogrid and Stability of Embankments in Loess Embankments

【作者】 李松山

【导师】 高文学;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 摘  要 本文以宁夏银—古高速公路辅道为依托工程,对宁夏地区黄土的工程性质、黄土地区路堤病害的主要类型及其成因进行了分析和研究。根据湿陷性黄土的特点提出了试验路段的设计方案。利用土工合成材料的抗剪力及抗拉力能够使路基均匀承受荷载,减少路基的局部沉降及侧向位移,从而增强其整体强度和稳定性本文就土工格栅在黄土地区加固湿陷性黄土路基问题进行了原型试验,以期探讨土工格栅加固道路路堤的机理,并为建立合理的设计计算方法积累资料。 本文还就边坡稳定性分析和计算方法进行了阐述,特别是圆弧滑动面法中的瑞典条分法、毕肖甫法、简布法。并在以上方法的基础上,对加筋路堤圆弧滑动稳定性验算公式进行了改进,通过实例计算,得出可靠结论。圆弧条分法目前依然是工程中常采用的土坡稳定性分析方法,其原理简单,公式简洁,但在具体应用时,存在两方面的困难:一是潜在滑动面不易确定;二是分条使计算过程较为复杂。本文针对这两个问题作了以下改进:1、本文在陈祖煜提出的积分思路的基础上,推导了圆弧滑动面的稳定系数的解析公式。由此消除了工程计算中分条带来的不便。通过实例计算表明分条宽度对稳定系数的计算结果是有影响的,分条宽度大,计算误差大;分条宽度小,计算精度高,但计算工作量加大。解析法克服了这一不足,使计算精度得到提高。2、提出了一种搜索潜在滑动面的新算法。该方法先固定潜在滑动圆弧的上、下边界点,利用滑弧线与 x 坐标轴交点的位置确定滑弧的曲率,将二维搜索面域简化为一维搜索线域;将传统的搜索范围进行改进,通过几何关系转化为新的二维搜索面域,搜索的上、下限有严格的界定,不存在漏点问题。通过实例计算检验了改进方法的可靠性。

【Abstract】 This paper analyzes and researches the characters of loess relying on the projectof accessorial embankment of Yin-Gu freeway in NingXia province, where theprimary types and cause of formation on road’s diseases are investigated. Based onthe characteristic of loess with subsidability, the designs of the trial are put forward. By using the shear resistance and tension resistance of geosynthetics, the localsettlement and lateral displacement of embankment can be decreased, and which isable to support loading equably. Consequently, the whole intensity and stability ofembankment is improved. In the paper, being dead against the problem that geogrid reinforces embankmentwhich is stuffed with loess with subsidability in NingXia province, the prototype testis done in order to mouse out the mechanism of the reinforced earth. By the prototypetest, the informations on founding rational calculational methods are accumulated. In the paper, the analysis and computational method of the earth slope’s stabilityis expatiated in detail, especially Sweden slice method, Bishop method and Janbumethod. Based on above methods, circle slices formula of reinforced embankment isameliorated. The correct conclusions are drawn according to the calculation of thetypical examples. Circle slices method, with its simple principle and brief formula, is still popularlyapplied in assessment of earth slope stability. However, it includes two aspects ofweakness in practical application. The first is difficult to search the most possiblesliding surface; the second is complicated to deal with slices. So the author proposedsome compliments in circle slices method as follows: Firstly, the author proposes the formula to calculate the factor of safety based onthe definite integral method of Chen zu yu. The integral method can get precisesolution and simplify process of computing. Some cases are calculated to testify theexactitude of the method. Secondly, on the basis of a lot of present results, the author introduces a newmethod of searching the most possible sliding surface. It supposes that the circle of II<WP=6>Abstractsliding surface run through the foot of slide. The factor of safety is transmitted to thefunction of x coordinate of the intersection point of the tangent at the scrap of thecircle and x axis. So, the Two-dimension area of searching is changed toOne-dimension; ameliorating traditional area of searching, the new Two-dimensionarea of searching is transformed through geometrical relation. The reliabilityis validated by calculationof the actual examples.

  • 【分类号】U416.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】327

