

Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation Environment in Beijing Typical Area

【作者】 李永卿

【导师】 王群;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 材料学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高科技的发展,高强度的电磁辐射已经达到了可以直接威胁人身健康的程度。了解环境污染源的现状,分析其发展趋势,对于今后电磁辐射的防治和管理有着及其重要的意义。 本文重点针对高压输电线路、中波发射塔的电磁环境进行了理论分析与实际测量,而且进行了评价。根据理论和实测的结果,得出了一些结论:1. 根据理论计算和实测分析,在近地面附近,电场强度主要由垂直分量决定, 而磁场强度则由垂直分量和水平分量共同决定。2.对于单回路的高压输电线的电磁场分布,导线应采用三角排列布置,减少 分裂导线的根数和间距,可以降低场强值;对于双回路输电线来说,采用 逆相序布置,减小相间距离,减少分裂导线的根数和间距,可降低场强值。3.中波发射塔附近的高层建筑的场强分布是随楼层的升高而迅速升高,顶层 的场强值最大,一般室内小于 0.1V/m。这些研究结果对以后的实际建设具 有一定的指导意义。 同时还对变电站、医疗设备、手机、微波炉等其他类型的电磁辐射污染源进行了分析和测试。进一步了解了与人们生活密切相关的电器及手机的危害。依照测试结果,结合相关的评价标准限值进行评价,并提出了一些防护措施和建议。 通过本文的研究,让人们对电磁辐射有了一个明确的认识,对有电磁辐射的设备能采取相应的防护措施,避免一些不乐于见到的事件发生,具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of high technology, high strength electromagneticradiation has reached degree of straight threatening to human health. .To realizesituation of environmental pollution sources and analyze their developing trend, hasvery important meaning for prevention and management of electromagnetic radiationin the future. This paper theoretically calculated electromagnetic environment of high voltagetransmission lines and medium wave transmitting tower, and practically measured.According to result of theoretical calculation and measure, we can draw theconclusion: 1. According to analysis of theoretical calculation and practical measure, electric field is determined by vertical field strength; but magnetic field is decided by vertical field strength and horizontal field strength nearby the ground. 2. For electromagnetic field distribution of single-circuit high voltage transmission lines, conductor should adopt triangle arrange, reduce conductor numbers and phase space of subconductor, that is able to reduce field strength value. For double-circuit high voltage transmission lines, conductor adopt adverse phase order arrange, minish distance of phase space, reduce conductor numbers and phase space of subconductor, that can reduce field strength value. 3. Electric field strength distribution around medium wave transmitting tower will increase with height increasing of floor. Moreover, field strength is max on top of the building, commonly less than 0.1V/m in the room. These results have instructing meaning for future practical building. At the same time, we measured and analyzed other kinds of electromagneticradiation, such as transformer substation, medical equipment, mobile telephone,microwave oven and so on. Furthermore, we knew harm of home appliances andmobile telephones that closely touch with human life. According to measuring result,combined with limited value of assessment standard, we assessed field strengthvalue, and offered to a few of preventible measure and advice. II<WP=6>摘 要 Through research of this paper, human has a specific understanding forelectromagnetic radiation, and can adopt relevant depend measure for someequipments arising electromagnetic radiation, avoid something what people don’twant to see. Therefore, it has realizable meaning.

  • 【分类号】X591
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】799

