

【作者】 陈淑涛

【导师】 张庆文;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会—心理—医学模式的转变,人们对发病率较高、影响妇女生活、工作的经前期综合征的研究越来越多。本文立足于中医学对女子的生理特点及对“肝”生理、病理变化理论的认识,结合西医学对经前期综合征的多因素假说,探讨具有疏肝行气和血功能的“经轻胶囊”对肝郁型经前期综合征的精神、躯体症状的改善及对生殖激素的干预。同时着重对肝郁和高雌模型雌鼠的实验研究结果进行比较分析,探讨经前期综合征发病的重要因素——雌/孕激素比例失调、雌激素相对偏高,与中医妇科学的“肝郁证”,在病理生理过程中的主要异同,以及这些病理生理过程对“经轻胶囊”干预反应的异同性;并对中枢5—羟色胺及其2A受体在两种状态下变化的异同性作初步分析,以期丰富女子“以血为本”,“以肝为先天”的中医妇科学理论。通过对实验结果的比较分析表明:肝郁模雌鼠出现了类似高雌状态的E2、P、β—EP升高,而疏肝行气和血中药“经轻胶囊”对其干预后,两组模型鼠的E2、β—EP均下降,“经轻胶囊”还能影响中枢神经递质及其受体的含量、活性,改变肝郁型经前期综合征的精神和躯体症状。

【Abstract】 As the change of social-psychological-medical pattern, more and more researches into the premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the incidence of which is comparatively high and which greatly affects women’s life and work, are carried out. This article bases itself on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theories of women’s physiological characteristics and the liver physiological and pathological change, combines the gynecology’s plural-factors hypotheses of PMS, and explores that "Jin Qin Capsules "that have the function to course the liver and rectify the qi and harmonize the blood can improve the mental and physiological syndromes of "the state of liver depression PMS" and interfere with sexual hormone. At the same time, this paper emphasizes the comparative analysis of the experimental research results of the liver depressed and hyperestrogenic model sex rats, explores the important factors of PMS-the ration between estrin and progestogen is imbalance and the estrin is higher, the pathological and physiological similarities and differences of the liver depression syndrome of gynecology of TCM and the similarities and differences of the interference response of "Jin Qin Capsules "to the pathological and physiological processes; as well as conducts preliminary analysis of the similarities and differences of the change of centric 5-HT (5-hydroxy tryptamine) and 5-HT2A receptor under the two states in order to enrich the gynecology of TCM theories of "the blood is the base of life" and "the liver is the congenital base of life". The comparative analysis of the experimental results indicates that "the state of liver depression" sex rats’ E2, P, B -EP is rising, which is like the state of hyperestrogenism, however, after the interference of the TCM which can course the liver and rectify the qi and harmonize the blood, both of the two model sex rats’ E2, P, B -EP have fallen. The TCM can also affect the content and the activity of the centric nerve-transmitter and its receptor and improve the mental and physiological syndromes of "the state of liver depression PMS".

  • 【分类号】R271.115
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】214

