

【作者】 汪晓辉

【导师】 卫莹芳;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 生药学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 干姜为常用中药,来源于姜科植物姜Zingiber officinale Rose.的干燥根茎。始载于《神农本草经》,列为中品,其后历代本草均有记载。历版《中国药典》均有收载。 经文献查考现代使用的干姜与历代本草记载一致。且四川犍为和沐川为古今本草记载干姜主产地,所产干姜品质最优,为道地药材。 首次对犍为干姜不同的栽培品种(黄口姜、白口姜)进行了形态组织学比较研究,结果表明黄口姜单位面积油细胞数量多于白口姜,与挥发油含量测定结果(黄口姜挥发油含量高于白口姜)相一致,为干姜品种选育提供了形态组织学的新途径。首次对姜叶进行了组织学研究。对干姜进行了形态组织学研究,发现油细胞多分布于内皮层附近,所以干姜去皮的加工方法是否合理有待深入研究。 本文首次采用高效液相色谱法以辣椒素为对照品对四川及全国干姜主产地如贵州、云南、广西等地所产干姜中姜酚和姜烯酚进行了定量分析,测定结果表明:四川犍为产干姜总辛辣成分高于国内其他产区干姜,为干姜的道地产区提供了科学依据。建议干姜药材含姜辣素以6-姜酚计,不得少于0.15%。 对犍为不同采收期、不同栽培品种干姜药材进行了挥发油含量测定,结果表明:11月上中旬所采黄口姜和白口姜样品挥发油含量都较高。对全国不同产地干姜挥发油含量测定结果表明:多数样品均符合药典标准,尤以四川犍为产者挥发油含量最高,可达2.11%。 对犍为产同一批次的生姜和干姜进行了挥发油含量测定和GC—MS分析,结果表明二者具有相似之处,经加工之后干姜中产生了许多生姜中没有的成分,且在加工过程中挥发油有所损失。 测定了不同产地干姜的总灰分、酸不溶性灰分及水分,结果表明:测试样品的总灰分均符合药典标准,建议干姜药材的酸不溶性灰分不得过1.5%;含水量不得过12.0%。 首次对川产干姜的生长发育规律进行研究,结果:将干姜的生长发育时期划分为苗期、子姜形成期、子姜充实前期和子姜充实后期4个时期;9月中下旬(子姜充实期)当CGRt=CGRr(生长率),即CGRt与CGRr的曲线相交时,可以作为生长中心由叶向子姜转移的依据。 对川产干姜中氮、磷、钾的吸收与分布规律进行研究,表明:整个生长发育期间植株对钾和氮的需求量远大于磷,故在苗期追肥应氮、钾配合,子姜形成期和子姜充实期氮、磷、钾的吸收速度最快,三者应配合施用以满足根茎膨大的需要。

【Abstract】 As a common Chinese herb, dry ginger is the dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe(Farm. Zingiberaceae ). It’s useful for removing cold and stomach pain, diarrhea due to cold deficiency, cough, rheumatism and several other uses. It has the ability to lower blood cholesterol and aid in preventing internal blood clots. It is often taken to help combat colds, coughs, and the flu. The volatile oils of ginger are responsible for active medicinal properties as well as for its pungent odor and taste, commonly found in Asian or Indian cooking. It is recorded that planted genus in Qianwei and Muchuang in Sichuan have the higher quality and better curative effects.We dealt with a whole study on morphological,physical-chemical analysis, ontogeny, uptake and distribution of NPK by ginger plants,expecting these studies can give scientific basis for drug quality standard control and fertilizer of dry ginger.The systemic morphological study on the rhizome of ginger showed that is almost the same with other reports. Most of the oil cells in the rhizome are found around the endodermis. The distributive density of oil cells is different from Huangkou ginger to Baikou ginger.A HPLC method was developed for the quantitative analysis of pungent constituents in the ginger drugs from the different rources. The results show that the dry ginger coming from Muchuan Sichuan province has the highest content of 6-gingerol.The volatile oils of the fresh ginger and dry ginger were extracted by traditinal steam distillation methods and analyzed and identified by GC-MS. Over 60 compounds have been extracted from the dry ginger and 40 compounds were identified. The 30 kinds of compounds were identified from the fresh ginger.The major compounds of them were almost the same. The major constituents are a -zingiberene,citral, a -farnesene,etc.Based on the increase of leaves,branches of the rhizome, the cumulation of dry matter, the distribution of photosynthetic production, the change of substance metabolism and the displacement of growth centre, the growth of ginger was divided into fourstages.The last ten-day period of September, when CGRt is equal to CGRr, the crossing of CGRt and CGRr curves may be regarded as the evidence of the transfer from the leaves to the branches of the rhizome.The uptake of NPK by ginger plants changed with growth and development.In the whole life cycle, the uptake proportion of K was the highest,followed by N and P.

  • 【分类号】S567.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】259

