

The Research on the Standardized Management in Construction Bidding and Tendering

【作者】 王予东

【导师】 白玉;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前招投标已成为我国建筑市场的一种主要交易方式,由于我国市场经济体制不健全等因素,招投标市场中尚存在许多不规范的做法,严重影响了招投标作用的发挥。在我国已加入WTO的局势下,对我国的招投标进行规范化管理有着举足轻重的意义。本文即基于此对建设工程招投标的规范化管理做了一些有益的探讨。 合理报价模式是选择优秀承包商的保障,要对建设工程招投标进行规范化管理,首先要在招投标中选择先进的报价模式。工程量清单报价与传统的定额报价相比,实行价格市场化,它的一系列优点使它可以避免工程招标中的弄虚作假、暗箱操作等不规范的招标行为。有利于规范招标运作,实行公平竞争。 我国大部分地区都是实行有标底招标,其中标底的编制及标底的保密都存在问题。推行无标底招标,能够对其弊端加以克服,但同时需进行一些配套环境的建设。国际上的无标底招标一般是最低价中标,它对规范建筑工程的招投标无疑有着很大的作用。 信息在招标工作中占有很重要的地位。信息是否沟通及时、是否掌握充分、是否公开透明,都可以直接影响招标工作的质量和效果。有形建筑市场的建立在增加交易信息透明度、加强监管、防止腐败方面卓有成效,而利用网络技术来保管、传递信息可达到方便、快捷、透明的目的,这些都是改善信息不对称情况的有益且待加强的部分。

【Abstract】 Bidding and tendering have become one main transaction way in construction market in China at present, Because of imperfect factor existed in the market economic system, there are still a lot of unstandard methods in bidding and tendering market, which have influenced the full play on function of bidding and tendering seriously. Under the situation that China has joined WTO already, It is of very important meanings to carry on standardized management in bidding and tendering in China. Based on these, this paper make some helpful discussion on standardized management in construction bidding and tendering.Rational bidding mode is the guarantee of choosing the outstanding contractor. In order to carry on standardized management bidding and tendering in construction project, choosing the advanced quotation mode should be done at first. Comparing with traditional ration bidding mode, B.Q bidding mode implement price marketization. Series of its advantage prevent project from practicing fraud in bidding and tendering. It helps to standardize the operation of bid and implement the fair competition.Most areas in China implement base price bidding, in which compile and confidential of base price all exist problems. Adapting bidding without base price can overcome these defects, but at the same time some related environment must be constructed. At international bidding without base price takes the lowest tender price, it undoubtedly has very big function on standardizing the bidding and tendering of construction project.The information occupies very important position in the work of bidding. Whether the information is linked up and grasped in time, abundant, open and clearly, Can influence the quality and result of working directly. The setting-up of the tangible construction market is fruitful in increasing the transparency of information of the trade, strengthen supervising, prevent from corruptly , Making use of network technology to keep and transmit information can achieve convenient, swift, transparent purpose . All these are helpful and waiting to be strengthened part which improve the asymmetric situation of the information.

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】949

