

Compliment Responses in Chinese Contexts: A Sociolinguistic Study

【作者】 门高春

【导师】 许之所;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在研究汉语语境下恭维答语的社会语言学特征。问题围绕汉语中恭维答语的实施是否受到三种社会变量,即社会地位,性别和年龄的影响而展开。如果答案是肯定的,那么又是如何影响的? 研究数据主要通过两种方法获得:问卷调查法和自然观察法,其中,问卷调查数据占很大的比例,自然观察数据与之形成互补,以使分析结果更为有效。684名女性和684名男性参与了问卷调查,而自然观察数据则来自于300名女性和282名男性。考虑到由于性别不同,职业不同,恭维语应答者所采取的策略可能差异很大,研究者分别为学生和已参加工作者设计了三组不同的问卷调查表。每组问卷调查表包括15种不同的情境。本研究所涉及的因变量为恭维语应答策略,自变量为恭维语应答者的社会地位,性别和年龄。 本文的理论框架为言语行为理论,礼貌理论和变异理论。 分析结果表明,尽管恭维语应答者在应答过程中存在相似之处,但是恭维语应答者的性别和年龄以及谈话双方的社会地位,的确对恭维语应答者在恭维答语策略选择上产生一些规律性的影响。总体而言,女性、年轻人以及社会地位较高者使用欣赏标记策略的频率较高;同时他们也比男性、老年人以及社会地位较低者在应答恭维语的过程中更多地采取疑问策略。双方社会地位平等时,有时会以开玩笑的方式采取升级策略,但当双方社会地位不平等时,恭维语应答者一般不会采取此策略。另外,社会地位较低者与社会地位较高者相比较,使用否定策略的频率较高;而与社会地位较高者以及年轻人相比,社会地位较低的中年人和老年人使用零应答的频率较高。

【Abstract】 The major purpose of this thesis is to examine the sociolinguistic characteristics of compliment responses in Chinese contexts. The research questions are whether the execution of this speech event is affected by the social variables of social status, gender and age respectively, and if the answers are positive, and how?The data quantified and analyzed in the research have been collected through two methods: DCT questionnaires and natural observation, among which, DCT questionnaires data hold the biggest share, and natural observation data are used as a supplement to DCT questionnaires data. DCT questionnaires data are collected from 684 females and 684 males, and natural observation data are from 300 females and 282 males. The researcher devises three different sets of DCT questionnaires for students and for people who have their own jobs. Every set of DCT questionnaires consists of fifteen situations (S1-S15) for compliment responses. In the research, the dependent variable is compliment response strategy, and the independent variables are gender and age of the respondents, and social status of the interlocutors.The present research is conducted in the theoretical frameworks of speech act theory, variation theory and politeness theory respectively.The results of the empirical analysis show that in spite of some similarities among the respondents, the three social variables of the respondents, namely, social status, gender and age, do trigger some systematic variations in the respondents’ choice of response strategies. The response strategy of Appreciation Tokens is consistently preferred by females, the younger, persons of higher social status. The younger, females and persons of higher social status tend to ask more Questions than the older, males, and persons of lower social status do. The strategy of Upgrade is employed sometimes in a joking manner between status equals, not betweenstatus nonequals. In addition, persons of higher social status negate the compliments they have received less frequently than persons of lower social status; and middle-aged and older respondents of lower social status give no acknowledgement more frequently than younger respondents and respondents of higher social status.

  • 【分类号】H15
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】585

