

Research of Product Data Management System Based on Extranet and Component

【作者】 曾亮

【导师】 黎洪生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一般意义上的产品数据管理(PDM)作为一种管理产品资料与开发步骤的软件系统,可能存在以下两方面的问题:PDM系统对产品的销售商、客户、原材料供货商等企业外部对象以及在追踪产品的销售、售后服务等过程中起不到应有的作用和PDM系统中软件的可靠性、可复用性、可移植性和生产效率较低等。 针对上面的问题,论文中提出了一种基于Extranet和构件的产品数据管理系统的设计思想。通过引入构件设计方法,并且在Extranet之上重新构建PDM,可以较好的解决存在的问题。 研究了一般意义上的PDM体系结构,提出了一种与此对应的基于构件的产品数据管理系统体系结构模型,规划并且详细地阐述了其中各个层次与一般意义上的PDM体系结构在功能和结构上的异同;同时基于构件的思想,设计了新的产品数据管理(PDM)系统体系结构模型的第二层——构件层——的四个分层次(即元构件、通用构件、特定业务构件和宏观支持级构件)。 研究了在造纸行业中具体地实现基于Extranet和构件的产品数据管理系统时的关键技术,包括:在数据库设计中,尽可能设计既达到无损连接又保持函数依赖的关系模式,使数据库模式保持最优的特性;在服务器端大量采用实现特定业务逻辑的存储过程,并多次在存储过程和视图中嵌套调用,极大的减少网络通信往返量;使用批处理命令及事务,保持与数据库交互的事务简短并在同一批处理中,同时使用较低的隔离级别等。 文中介绍的基于Extranet和构件的产品数据管理系统已经在广东东莞海龙纸业(四期)年产40万吨高档涂布包装纸板工程中得到成功应用。由于引入了Extranet并使用了构件技术,系统实现了产品数据在生产、销售和售后服务等各个环节中的高效管理和共享,并且具有较好的通用性和易扩展性。该系统不仅为造纸企业的产品数据管理提供了较完整的解决方案,同时对其它行业具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 This paper briefly presents the research and implementation of Product Data Management(PDM) system based on Extranet and component.Generally speaking, Product Data Management(PDM) system, being a kind of software which is designed for the purpose of dealing with products’ data and R&D procedures, has its disadvantages. In my opinion, the disadvantages of PDM are as follows: in the beginning, PDM cannot run efficiently in the procedures of the products’ promotion and utility, also it has little help for customers. Furthermore, other characters which do not run as what we wish it to be are reliability, maturity, usability, maintainability, portability and so on.To solve the above problems, the design thinking of Product Data Management(PDM) system based on Extranet and component is presented in this paper.In the PDM system based on Extranet, information of products can be shared easily and conveniently not only in Intranet but also outside Intranet.In the PDM system based on component, much attentions have been attached in segregation of functional model from the procedure of requirements analysis. The components, which are designed on the basis of these functional models, can be divided into four types: elemental component, common component, component for special utility and component for management and supervisors. The components for special utility, which are fabricated from common components, are the core of our Product Data Management(PDM) system. Only by using the components for special utility, can we put all requirements from industrial fields into practice.In this paper, the key technologies, which are relevant to the research and implementation of Product Data Management(PDM) system based on Extranet and component, such as database design and means for improving the data transmitting efficiency are also detailed.The industrial field experience shows the design of PDM system based on Extranet and component is reasonable and feasible. This PDM system can not only be used in paper making industry but also in other companies.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】45

