

On Deng Xiaoping’s "Two Important Matters" in the Region Economy Thought

【作者】 黎云

【导师】 姜曦;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 东西部地区的差距是我国长期存在的历史问题。党的三代领导人就如何缩小东西部的差距问题实施了不同的区域经济发展战略。其中,毛泽东采取直接援建西部、实现均衡布局,实施区域经济均衡发展战略。邓小平在吸取其合理因素和经验教训的基础上,采取优先发展沿海、实现共同富裕,实施区域经济非均衡发展战略,提出了著名的“两个大局”构想,即“沿海地区要加快对外开放,使这个拥有两亿人口的广大地带较快地先发展起来,从而带动内地更好地发展,这是一个事关大局的问题。内地要顾全这个大局。反过来,发展到一定的时候,又要求沿海拿出更多力量来帮助内地发展,这也是个大局。那时沿海也要服从这个大局。”通过实施第一个大局,我国东部沿海已提前进入了小康,同时,东部与中西部地区的差距逐步扩大,实现了区域经济非均衡发展态势,为第三代领导集体实施西部大开发战略创造了条件。以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体高度重视缩小区域差距问题,在运用和实践邓小平“两个大局”构想中提出了区域经济非均衡协调发展思想,并且抓住时机实施了西部大开发战略。西部大开发是“两个大局”构想的具体行动。可见,邓小平“两个大局”战略构想为缩小我国区域发展差距、促进经济协调发展和实现共同富裕具有重大现实意义。 本文通过理论联系实际法和比较法分析了中央三代领导人在实施了不同的区域经济发展战略后对我国社会主义现代化建设产生的影响。从区域经济非均衡发展到区域经济非均衡协调发展揭示了在中国这种商品经济不发达、文化落后的国家,如何借势(对外开放)和造势(对内搞活)来发展本国经济,即没有条件创造条件发展经济的特殊规律。 通过本文对邓小平区域经济思想中的“两个大局”构想的系统性研究,使得“两个大局”构想在我国不同时期区域经济发展中对社会主义现代化建设的作用更加明朗化,并且能够为国内外区域经济发展理论增添新的内容。

【Abstract】 The economic gap between East China and West China has been a long exiting problem. To narrow the gap, the Party leaders of three generations , Mao Zedong , Deng Xiaoping , and Jiang Zemin , implemented different strategies to develop regional economy. Mao adopted the strategy of balanced development, supporting and constructing West China with an economic layout in proportion. Deng Xiaoping, learning lessons from previous experience and absorbing its rational factors, applied the strategy of unbalanced development, giving priority to coastal areas over the west and leading the west to common wealth. Therefore, he offered the famous proposition of "Two Important Matters", which is "The eastern coast region should open door to the-outside world , and made this vast region with 20 million people fast and firstly develop, and further propelled the inland develop well. This was a problem concerning the important matter, and the inland region must care it. Reversely, when the economy of the coast region get a better development, and the coast region asked took a more length to help the inland region develop, this was also an important matter. In that time, the coast region also should obey it." Through the actualization of the first important: matter, the eastern coast region already proceed into fairly well-off. At the same time, the economic gap between the eastern region and the western region was gradually enlarged, and the unbalance development trend of the regional economy was formed. It created the precondition for the third generation leadership actualizing the great development of western region. The third generation leadership with the core of Jiang Zemin paid more attention on the reduction of region difference. They offered the strategy thought of the region economy unbalanced harmonydevelopment during the adapting and practicing Deng’s "Two Important Matters". They also actualized the western region development strategy according to propriety opportunity. The western development is the specific action of the implementing Deng’s "Two Important Matters". Therefore, it is significant that Deng’s proposition of "Two Important Matters" reduced our country’s region development difference, advanced the economy harmony development and realized the common wealth.The method of integration of theory and practice and the method of comparison was used in this paper to analyze the influence to socialist modernization drive form there generations’ different region economy development strategy. It unveils the special regular that how to used situation (open door to the outside world) and create situation ( revitalization of the domestic economy ) to development the economy for an under-developed marketing economy and culture country from the unbalanced development of regional economy to the unbalanced harmony development of the regional economy-creating condition from no condition to develop economy.Through the system research of the proposition and practice of Deng’s "Two Important Matters" in this article, the contribution of the "Two Important Matters" in the socialist modernization drive in different period is clear, and it can enrich the region economy development theory in home and abroad.

  • 【分类号】F091.93
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】205

