

Cognitive Study on Strategies Employed by Ineffective Language Learners

【作者】 朱斐斐

【导师】 马云霞;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在通过对不成功语言学习者学习策略的深入研究,描述其认知系统的特点,剖析其语言学习失败的根源所在,以求对外语教学和研究起到一定的作用。 研究表明,成功的语言学习者和不成功的语言学习者在语言学习策略的使用上存在很大差异。目前的研究主要偏向于成功的语言学习者,而针对最需要帮助的不成功语言学习者的研究却很少。因此,本文选择后者作为研究的对象。 和普通语言学相比,认知语言学的优势在于将认知与语言学习相结合,并置于更广泛的以客观试验为基础的认知心理学的理论和研究范畴内。基于这一优点,笔者将本研究纳入以信息处理为基础的认知理论的框架下。因此,语言学习策略被视为一种复杂的认知技能,它有助于信息的理解和记忆。在这一框架中,语言学习策略被划分为元认知策略,认知策略和社会/情感策略,其中元认知策略被视为更高层次的认知技能。而他们的习得则需要经过认知,联想和自动化三个阶段。 结合上述认知理论,笔者试图通过实证研究来描述不成功语言学习者的信息处理系统,以期帮助他们成为高效独立的语言学习者。根据语言学习的特点,本文将量化研究划分为五个方面,即分别针对听力,阅读,写作,口语和词汇学习者展开单独的论述。 通过实证研究,笔者从定量和定性两方面得出了如下结论。定量分析总结出与语言习得成正相关的一组策略,他们都是不成功语言学习者缺乏认识且需要通过训练加强的。同时,定性分析显示不成功语言学习者其认知系统失效的原因在于记忆结构差,过于依赖自下而上的信息处理方式和信息处理渠道不通畅三方面。最后,笔者试探性地提出了一个由五个步骤构成的认知策略教学计划以供参考。

【Abstract】 The author aims at elaborating the ineffective mental process of the ILL by linking it to language learning strategies, with the sincere hope to shed some lights on second language teaching theoretically and practically.Learners involved in SLA (Second Language Acquisition), including ELLs (Effective Language Learners) and ILLs (Ineffective Language Learners), have been found to vary considerably in strategy use. However, studies by far are apparently inclined to the former ones while the latter are still kept in the shade, deserving more attention. This perspective hence is settled down as a point of penetration to the inherent language acquisition device of the ILL.Compared with general linguistics, coglinguistics distinguishes itself by treating cognition and learning in the context of the larger and more experimental body of theory and research that has evolved ,in cognitive psychology. Impressed by this strong point, the author brings all the research in the thesis into the cognitive framework, which is developed on the ground of information processing so that individuals are said to process information and learning strategies are viewed as complex cognitive skills that enhance comprehension, learning or retention of information. Within this context, learning strategies are classified into metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy and social/affective strategy, while metacognitive strategies are higher order executive skills. Besides, all of them can be performed in a progression through three stages of learning - cognitive stage, associative stage and autonomous stage.Guided by the impressive theory, an account of the mental process of the ILL is offered by the way of case study so that the awareness can help them become more effective and independent. According to the characteristics of language learning, the author highlights a quantitative description of thestrategies employed by ineffective listeners, readers, communicators, writers, vocabulary-learners respectively, together with the theoretical explanation.From the studies, conclusions are tentatively drawn from two aspects. One of them can be found in quantitative analyses, which set the combination of effective strategies ILLs lack and need training. Meanwhile, the other qualitative analyses expound the features of ILL’s mental processing system, which attribute the inefficiency to their weak memory structure, reliance on the data-driven approach and blocked channel for information processing. Finally, a cognitive model of strategy instruction is recommended for pedagogical purpose.

  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】245

