

The Study & Exploitation of the Warehouse Management System of the HuaZhong Logistics Company

【作者】 王薇

【导师】 张培林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济的快速发展和现代科学技术的进步,物流业作为国民经济中一个新兴的服务行业,正在全球范围内迅速发展。在国际上,物流业被认为是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业,其发展水平成为衡量一个国家社会经济发展水平和综合国力的重要标志之一,被喻为促进经济发展的“加速器”。然而物流在我国的发展尚处于起步阶段,传统观念和管理粗放的问题比较突出。而现代物流区别于传统物流的两大基本特征就是信息化和网络化。我国在这方面的研究及应用与发达国家相比存在相当的差距。因此本项目对物流管理者如何利用信息技术来提高供应链的有效管理的研究将具有典型的意义。 华中物流是武汉地区较大型的第三方物流企业,其物流和管理结构体系与现代物流发展的要求存在较大差异,在计算机的应用方面极为欠缺,不适应企业发展要求。因此充分利用信息资源实现仓储配送一体化,是华中物流仓库管理系统优化的重点。 本课题研究的目的是结合华中物流快运公司仓库的实际情况进行库场物流系统分析和优化,建立一个以加快响应速度、降低库存成本、提高经济效益和应变能力为主要目的;以信息技术、计算机技术和先进的管理思想为基础;以客户要求为驱动;以定单管理、计划管理、仓库管理等为主要内容的具有开放系统结构的易于维护的库场物流管理信息与决策支持系统。 本文运用现代物流理论和信息技术分析了华中物流公司仓储目前的管理系统,指出了其存在的问题,对仓库管理信息系统的开发进行了需求分析;论文提出仓库储区规划和货品储放的原则和方法,建立了新的仓库货位管理模型,对储位进行优化设计;分析了仓库现有组织作业流程和运营模式,指出了现有作业流程中信息技术运用不足所产生的总体效率不高、物流信息不一致造成仓储、配送不协调、水平不高的必然性。此外文章还对开发的信息系统的实施及相关问题进行了阐明。文章研究成果对提高华中物流仓库作业效率、实现管理规范化、构建仓储配送一体化的物流体系具有重要的参考价值和指导意义。

【Abstract】 Today logistics has been developing rapidly around the world as a burgeoning industry in the national economy, along with the speedy development of the world economy and the progress of modern technology. Logistics has been known internationally as the national economic artery and fundamental industry. The level of logistics becomes one symbol of the level of the economy development and the synthetic national power, which is considered the accelerator of the economy development. However, the development of logistics is still at the beginning phase in our country that the traditional conception is a grave problem. The differences between the modern logistics and traditional logistics lie in the tow basic characters, which are information and network. But now there are wide gaps in the study and application in this area in our country to developed countries. Therefore this item has typical meaning for logistics handler to make use of information technique to improve the level of supply chain management.HuaZhong logistics Company is a big third party logistics enterprise. The management structure of it has great differences with the modern logistics development. And the application of computers is limited that makes the company be not fit for the require of development. Therefore it is the most importance to take advantages of information resources for the optimization of the warehouse management system, achieving the integrative storage and distribution.This task intent to establish the warehouse logistics management information system and decision-making system, which aims at improving the response speed and emergency ability, reducing the inventory cost and increasing economy benefit, which is on the basis of information technique, computer technique and advanced management conception, which is droved by costumes, of which the order management, program management and warehouse management are the main content.The project handle modern logistics theory and information technology to analyze the warehouse management system of HuaZhong logistics company, pointing out problems and giving the requirement analysis of the exploitation of the Warehouse MIS. This paper put forward the principle of the partition planning and the method of the storage and establishes a new stock orientation management pattern. This project also analyze the warehouse organizing flow pattern in existence and point out the inevitability of the low logistics level because of not enough information technology. Additionally, this paper illustrates the implement of the Warehouse MIS and correlative issues. The achievement of research in this article has important meaning on guiding and consulting to improve the HuaZhong logistics warehouse efficiency, achieve the management standardization, build the integrative logistics pattern in storages and distributions.

  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1383

