

The Research of Employment Discrimination of Our College Graduate Market

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 王培根;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 高等教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高校毕业生就业问题是当前社会普遍关注的焦点问题,也是影响高等教育发展的主要问题。高校毕业生是我国的宝贵人才资源,高校毕业生市场是高校毕业生人才配置的重要手段。就业歧视现象破坏了毕业生市场的公平竞争环境,阻碍了人才的自由流动,影响了毕业生资源的优化配置和充分就业,造成了人才资源的浪费。目前,我国高校毕业生市场的就业歧视现象日益严重,对于就业歧视进行理论研究,探讨如何消除就业歧视,不仅有助于促进高校毕业生就业,也有利于高等教育的发展和我国“人才强国”战略的实现。 本文首先对就业歧视的概念及理论进行介绍,阐明了就业歧视的判断规则;然后,对于我国高校毕业生市场的就业歧视现状进行了分类和分析,并对其形成原因作了探讨;其次,本文通过对高校毕业生市场就业歧视的经济分析,证明了就业歧视破坏了公平竞争的市场环境,损害了被歧视者的利益,却并没有给歧视者带来利润的最大化,相反,歧视者将面临高昂的成本和损失;最后,文章借鉴了不同国家和地区对于禁止就业歧视的立法和措施,对于消除我国高校毕业生市场的就业歧视现象提出了若干政策、法规方面的建议。

【Abstract】 The employment of college graduates is the focus of social attention at present, and influences the developing of higher education obviously.The college graduates are our precious talent resources, and the college graduate market is the main measure of deploying graduate talent. The employment discrimination destroys the fair competition on the college graduate market, hinders the free flowing of graduate talent, influences the optimum allcation and full employment of graduates, and leads to the waste of talent resources as well. Nowadays,the employment discrimination is becoming serious day and day on college graduate market in China, so the analysis on employment discrimination and proking into eliminating employment discrimination not only help college graduate employing ,but also benefit the development of higher education and fulfilling our strategy of Talent Strengthens Nation.In this dissertation, the author firstly introduces the concept and basic principles of employment discrimination, illustrates the standards of judging it. Secondly,the analysis and classify the current situation of employment discrimination on Chinese college graduate market, and proke into its cause. Thirdly, based on the economic analysis on the discrimination, the author prokes that employment discrimination destroys the fair competition on the market, also injures the interest of the discriminated, while which can’ t bring the maximum profit for the discriminaters, who ofen meet with high cost and loss. At last, the author absorbs in the laws and measures of forbidding the discrmination in varieties of countires and regions, and advances lots of suggestions on policies and laws on how to eliminate employment discrimination on Chinese college graduate market.

  • 【分类号】G647.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1261

