

Study on Fostering High-qualitied Defense Reserve Personnel

【作者】 鄢松波

【导师】 程森成;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “间于天地之间,莫贵于人”。人类战争史也就是一部人才培养史。谁能拥有先进的武器以及高素质的军事人才,谁就占有战争主动权。这一真理在高技术战争时代再次得到验证。与时代变革相适应,当世界各国纷纷走上“精干的常备军和强大的国防后备力量相结合”的国防现代化建设道路之时,开发与培养高素质国防后备人才越来越受到世界各国的重视。 同样,这场新军事革命对我国高素质国防后备人才的培养提出了严峻的挑战。人的素质的现代化,是国防现代化的核心。人是社会一切活动的主体,没有一支高素质、高水平的人才大军,要实现国防现代化是不可能的。江泽民主席在出席国防科技大学50周年庆典大会上强调:“加强国防和军队现代化建设,关键是要培养造就一大批高素质新型军事人才。”因此,寻找切实可行的培养模式,满足我国新军事变革对高素质国防后备人才的需求,已是刻不容缓。 针对当前我国新军事变革对高素质国防后备人才的大量需求,本文提出一种新的战略思想,即改进我国现有以普及性军训为模式的高素质国防后备人才培养方式,结合我国国情,实行分级培养。 本论文分为四章:第一章阐明了本文研究的时代背景、国内外研究现状,并对高素质国防后备人才概念的涵义进行分析、界定,提出依托地方院校培养高素质国防后备人才的必要性与可行性。第二章高素质国防后备人才培养简史,通过对人类战争史上三个不同历史时期“冷兵器时代”、“热兵器时代”、“网络时代”的高素质国防后备人才培养模式的梳理、分析,指出高素质国防后备人才培养模式的发展既受到当时的社会现实以及科技发展水平制约,也是人们在不断总结战争规律的基础上,探索出来的战争制胜之道。第三章新中国成立以来高素质国防后备人才培养的回顾与分析,探讨我国高素质国防后备人才培养发展的曲折历程。第四章我国高素质国防后备人才培养模式初探,是全文的重点和落脚点。通过中西比较,分析我国高素质国防后备人才培养模式滞后性的原因,既而提出我国高素质国防后备人才培养模式的本土化建设设想。

【Abstract】 As the old saying goes, nothing is more important than human beings in the universe. The history of war is that of fostering military personnel. Whoever possesses advanced arms and high-qualitied military personnel will be able to control the war, which has been testified in the current hi-tech war. When various countries make their ways to combine small in number but highly trained standing army with powerful defense reserve force, increasing states have come to pay more attention to developing and fostering high-qualitied defense reserve personnel.Similarly, the new military renovation has put forward serious challenge to foster high-qualitied defense reserve personnel in our country. High-qualitied military troops are the key to realize modern defense construction. After all, human beings is the subject of man’s activity. Without a pool of high-qualitied military troops, it’s impossible to build modern defense. Chairman Jiang Zemin said that in order to strengthen the modern construction of our defense and army, it is critical to foster a great number of high-qualitied military personnel. Therefore, it is urgent to search for practical fostering model to meet the requirement.Concerning the great need in which new military improvement in our country is of high-qualitied defense reserve personnel, this thesis puts forward a kind of new strategic thought, i.e. improve the current way of fostering high-qualitied defense reserve personnel that is popular college students’ military training and carry out graded training on the base of actual national situation.This thesis is divided into four chapters: Chapter one, introduction, including the back-ground , the current situation of research , the definition of High-qualitied Defense Reserve Personnel and the necessity and possibility offostering high-qualitied defense reserve personnel with the help of local university . Chapter two, the brief history about fostering high-qualitied defense reserve personnel in the world. Chapter three, the review and analysis on fostering high-qualitied defense reserve personnel in China since 1949. Chapter four, the exploration and innovation to the way of fostering high-qualitied defense reserve personnel.

【关键词】 高素质国防后备人才培养
【Key words】 High-qualityNational defense reserve personnelfoster
  • 【分类号】E25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】346

