

The Strategy Research of China Building Material Tianjin Mineral Mountain Engineering Company

【作者】 段志春

【导师】 罗荣桂;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国建材天津矿山工程公司是一家国有了中型建筑施工企业,同大多数国企一样存在着由于体制问题引起的多种弊端。当前国家经济体制的深化改革、市场机制的完善、加入世贸组织等为我国企业带来了巨大的发展机遇。同时,也为我国数量众多的大中型企业特别是国有大中型企业带来了生存的威胁。因此,天津矿山工程公司制订适应当前环境机遇而又能够取得长期竞争优势的发展战略,对企业的深化改革和发展具有重要的现实意义。本文利用战略管理的理论与方法,从企业经营环境、企业素质与潜力、企业发展战略等几个方面对天津矿山工程公司发展的战略问题进行了系统的分析和研究。全文总体上分为五个部分: 第一部分主要是公司概况和战略管理理论介绍。首先,介绍天津矿山工程公司的基本情况;其次,在研究国内外相关理论的基础上对战略管理理论演变的基本规律和发展趋势进行阐述,意图让读者对天津矿山工程公司和战略管理的理论有个全面而清晰的了解; 第二部分主要是对天津矿山公司所处的外部环境进行了客观、深刻和全面的分析,介绍了公司特点、相关产业的现状及影响,对天津矿山公司在行业中的竞争地位进行了评定,分析了加入世贸组织对行业及企业带来的机遇与风险,从而揭示外部环境存在的机遇和问题; 第三部分是对企业内部管理进行诊断,主要包括生产经营分析、企业价值链分析及优化,人力资源分析和SWOT分析,对企业内部生产经营情况做全面的分析和研究,揭示企业内部存在的问题和急需改进的地方; 第四部分用战略地位与行为评价矩阵等相关理论对企业进行战略定位,提出了天津矿山公司的战略发展目标、发展模式与战略步骤; 第五部分,从战略联盟策略、技术引进与核心竞争力强化、品牌与组织创新、人力资源开发等几个方面进行阐述,为天津矿山公司发展战略的实施做出全面而详尽的叙述,提出具体的发展战略措施,这一部分的研究试图体现理论与实践的结合。 本文对天津矿山公司的战略研究,同样也适用于我国部分大中型企业的发展,希望能够为数量众多的大中型企业的发展提供借鉴和帮助。

【Abstract】 TJK is a Large-and-Middle-Sized state enterprise majoring in construction and implement. It produces many shortcomings for the economic system problem as well as most state enterprises. At present, there are many things to bring a great developing chance for Chinese enterprises, including the further renovation of economic system, the improvement of market mechanism, the great exploit of West China, China entry WTO and etc. At the same time, they bring existing threats to a great number of Large-and-Middle-Sized enterprises, especially to the Large-and-Middle-Sized state enterprises. For theses reasons, TJK makes out the strategy that can be adapt to the present developing chance and acquire long-terms challenging merits in the future, which has a important meaning for the existence and development of the enterprises. On the whole, this paper includes 5 parts.The first part is introduction about TJK and strategic management theory. First all, this part introduces TJK’s basic situation. Secondly, It discusses basic rule and development trend of strategic management theory on the basis of research on the relative theory at home and abroad. It makes readers completely and distinctly realize JKT and strategic management theory.The second part mainly analyzes the exterior environment of TJK; introduces the TJK’s characteristic, the status quo and influence of pertinent industry; assesses competitive status of TJK in this industry; analyzes the opportunity and venture;The third part is diagnosis on TJK’s interior management, mainly including the analysis of production management, value chain, human resource and SWOT. It wholly analyzes and studies TJK’s interior management, and express the problem wfcich exist in the TJK.This fourth part provides the strategic goal, developing pattern and strategic process of TJK with strategic status and relative theory.This fifth part discusses the concrete measure of developing stratagem from strategic alliance, technology introduction, innovation of brand and organization, human resource exploitation. This part tried to combine the theory with the practice.In addition, based on the research of the TJK developing strategy, the paper makes a profound thought of the developing problems of the Large-and-Middle-Sized enterprises and hopes it can provide some references and aids for outnumber Large-and-Middle-Sized enterprises as well.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】140

