

Research of Core Competences of the Corporation Based on Human Resource

【作者】 万林波

【导师】 李仁安;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在日益激烈的市场竞争中,现代企业的人力资源正以它特有的价值性、稀缺性和难以模仿性等经济资源的典型特征成为现代企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分,对现代企业的可持续性发展具有决定性的重要意义。 首先,本文在分析企业核心竞争力的内涵和基本特征的基础上,阐述了企业核心竞争力与企业人力资源开发的关系:企业核心竞争力的强弱决定于企业人力资源的状况,企业核心竞争力的培育过程是企业人力资源的开发过程,企业核心竞争力的增强是企业人力资源开发的根本目的。从战略人力资源管理一致性和灵活性的角度探讨了企业集团人力资源管理的特性,并针对人力资源管理与持续竞争优势的问题提出了人力资源以差异性、不可模仿性、不可替代性为主要特征的稀缺人力资源概念。进而论证了稀缺人力资源是核心竞争力源泉的理念。 由于人力资源开发与管理具有的复杂性和不确定性以及由此形成的竞争优势难以模仿等,使得人力资源开发已成为企业获取竞争力的重要途径,人力资源竞争力成为企业生存与发展的关键。有效地测度企业的人力资源竞争力,能够为企业经营决策者提供人力资源开发战略的选择依据。接下来,本文从定量的角度给出了一套测度企业人力资源竞争力的指标体系。 企业的人力资源是企业形成核心竞争力和推动企业快速成长的关键。在新世纪,我国企业的人力资源管理将面临全球化、新技术、成本控制、管理方法等多方面的挑战,人力资源管理也将随之呈现出职能的分化、管理的强化等新趋势。因此,本文的最后对企业如何实施人力资源战略进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 In the increasingly intense market competition, human resources are becoming an important component of core competitiveness of modern enterprise. With their unique value, scarcity and their being hard to simulate, which is of decisive significance to the sustainable development of modern enterprise.At first, this paper based on the analysis of core competence’s connotation and function, the author highlighted the relationship between the core competence and human resource development of corporation. The core competence of corporation depends on its human resource. The process of cultivating its core competence is the process of developing its human resource. And the aim of human resource development is to increase the core competence of corporation. Meanwhile, this paper mainly deal with the guarantee and uplifting of enterprise’ core competitiveness and then pointed that the development of human resources are the key to the maintaining of sustainable competitive edge of modern enterprise.Because of complexity and authenticity of human resource development and management, the competence of human resource is becoming the key of enterprise’ living and development. Next, this paper has discussed the index that how to measure the competence of human resource.Industrial human resources are the key to the core competitiveness and fast development of business. In the new century, our country’ industrial human resources will be faced the challenges of globalization, new technologies and management intensification. Hence, at last, the author discusses how to carry out the strategy of industrial human resources.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】954

