

The Relationship between the Local University and the Cultivation Base of the Reserve Force of the High-quality National Defense

【作者】 程丹

【导师】 洪小夏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 纵观当今世界,国际形势总体趋向缓和,和平与发展是时代的主题,但天下并不太平,霸权主义、强权政治和“台独”势力的严重威胁依然存在;而另一方面,以高科技为标志的国际军事竞争愈演愈烈,世界各主要国家都十分重视质量建军。未来战争,将是高度现代化的军事技术和武器装备的角逐。因此,我们需要有更多的高精尖军事技术储备。 同时,在世界裁军思想的影响下,各国为发展经济,必然减少常备军的数量,我国作为发展中国家,更应该重视加强国防后备力量建设,走“精兵强后”之路,即在减少常备军数量,提高军队质量的同时,加速培养具有现代科学技术知识、先进军事思想和高度政治觉悟,并能运用现代化军事技术和武器装备的国防后备力量,这已经成为我国国防建设中的一项长期任务。 在培养和造就大批高素质军事人才方面,普通高校的作用举足轻重。大学生是国防后备力量的高层次人才,其数量质量结构,在后备力量中居重要地位。对高校学生进行国防教育,帮助学生在和平环境中继承中华民族的尚武精神,保持“居安思危”的清醒头脑,学习和掌握一定的军事知识和技能成为国防后备力量的核心力量和骨干力量。因此,地方高校应成为国防后备力量的培养基地。 针对当前国内外对军事人才素质要求的提高,本文提出将普通高校作为高素质国防后备力量的培养基地。它注重的是国防建设的高科技性,国防人才的高素质性,国防战略的综合性。 本论文分为五章:第一章,绪论,包括研究背景,研究现状和本文写作思路三个部分;第二章,国内外国防后备力量培养概况,包括国防后备力量建设概述,国外国防后备力量培养状况,国内国防后备力量培养状况和提高国防后备力量素质的必要性;第三章,普通高校在高素质国防后备力量培养中的重要地位和历史沿革;第四章,高校国防教育体制的探索与革新,包括现阶段高校国防教育的形式,高校国防教育的不足,完善高校国防教育的设想三个部分;第五章为总结,对全文进行总的概括。

【Abstract】 Making a general survey of our times, the international situation moves towards relaxation overall, the peace and development are the themes of the times, but not very peaceful all over the world, the serious threats of hegemonic power politics and "Taiwan independence" protagonists still exists; And on the other hand, the international military competition taking Hi-Tech as sign grows in intensity , every main country of the world attaches great importance to quality and builds up the Army . Future war will be the highly modernized military technology and contention of the weaponry. So, we should not merely have more high-grade, precision and advanced military technological reserve, a large number of high-quality soldiers store even more. The high-tech war needs to have both will to serve the motherland and nationals defense reserve talent of professional technical ability in large batches.Meanwhile, under reducing armaments on the influence of the thought in the world, various countries, in order to develop economy, must reduce the quantity of the standing army , strengthen the reserve force construction of the national defense. Our country should especially pay attention to strengthening the reserve force construction of the national defense as developing countries, improve the quality of reserve force greatly . So our troops in a situation that: army reduces the active service, store and have modern scientific and technical knowledge, have advanced military thinking and high political consciousness with higher speed, and can use the modernized military technology and reserve force of the weapon , have already become a long-term important task in national defense construction of our country.In training and bring up large quantities of high-quality military talents, the function of the local university is very important. University students are a high-level talent of the reserve force of the national defense, its quantity quality structure, occupy the important position in reserve force. Carry on defense education to university students, help students to inherit the encouraging a military spirit of Chinese nation in the peaceful environment, keep the sober head of " thinking of danger in times of safety ", study and grasp certain military knowledge and technical ability , become the fresh combatants of reserve force of a national defense. So, the local university trains the importance and necessity of the base to come to light day by day as the strength behind the national defense.As to present and domestic and international military talent improvementthat it require, this text puts forward a kind of new strategic thought, regard local university as the cultivation base of the reserve force of the high-quality national defense. What it paid attention to is the high-technology of national defense construction, high-quality national defense talents, national defense strategy is comprehensive.This thesis is divided into four chapters: Chapter one, introduction, including study the back-ground , the current situation of research and three parts of train of thought of writing of this text; Chapter two, domestic and international national defense reserve force trains the overview, build the summary in including the reserve force of national defense, foreign national defense reserve force trains the state, domestic national defense reserve force trains the state and improves the necessity of the reserve force quality of the national defense; Chapter three, the important position in the reserve force cultivation of the high-quality national defense of local university, including the important position in the reserve force cultivation of the national defense of local university, historical stage that the local university trained the reserve force of the national defense, the form of university’s defense education and four parts of advantage in training the reserve force of the high-quality national defense of local university of the present stage; Chapter four, the exploration and innovation of the

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】399

