

The Changes of Ultrastructure and Expressions of GFAP in the Brain Tissues of Heroin-addicted Rats

【作者】 韦献良

【导师】 叶峻;

【作者基本信息】 广西医科大学 , 解剖学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:模仿人类吸毒成瘾的临床实例,建立海洛因成瘾大白鼠模型,研究海洛因成瘾大白鼠脑神经组织超微结构及GFAP的表达变化,了解海洛因成瘾对大白鼠脑的损害作用。方法:采用递增法人为地给大白鼠皮下注射海洛因造成动物成瘾,动物设对照组和模型组,取2组大白鼠全脑作正中矢状切分为两半,半边脑做胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)免疫反应,另半边脑取前额皮质、海马、下丘脑等部位脑组织做电镜观察。结果:海洛因成瘾大白鼠脑内多部位神经元胞体、轴突、树突都出现变性、凋亡、胀亡等超微病理结构改变;星形胶质细胞增生肥大,亦可见退变星形胶质细胞,少突胶质细胞、小胶质细胞也增生;神经毯出现肿胀、变性等超微病理结构改变;广泛性出现血脑屏障(BBB)通透性增加的超微结构变化,BBB周围星形胶质细胞水肿; GFAP表达水平明显增强;上述病理改变未显示出部位上的特异性。对照组电镜超微结构影像和GFAP表达水平正常。结论:海洛因成瘾大白鼠脑组织出现广泛性损害,神经元胞体与突起、神经胶质细胞、神经毯、血脑屏障(BBB) 均出现超微病理结构改变,其中神经元以变性为主,神经元凋亡是海洛因成瘾致脑神经元死亡的主要形式,星形胶质细胞明显增生肥大,GFAP表达水平明显增强,本实验结果未显示出海洛因成瘾对脑组织损害有部位上的特异性。

【Abstract】 Objective: To imitate the processes of human heroin addiction, we set up the model of heroin addiction. The study on the changes of ultrastructune and expression of GFAP in the brain tissues of heroin-addicted rats were done to make clear the lesions which have been made in the brain tissues by heroin. Method: Appling the method of gradually increase of dosage, rats were given subcutaneous injection of heroin and the addiction of model was established. Rats were divided into control group and model group. The brains were taken out from two groups rats and were divided into two halfs along the median sagittal plane. The expression of GFAP were tested by immnohistochemical method in the half brain. The ultrastructural changes of brain tissues in the prefroneal cortex hippocampus and hypothalamus which were taken out from the another half brain were observed under eletronic microscope. Results: Degeneration, apoptosis, oncosis were found in the neuronal somas, axons, dendrites of the heroin addicted rats brains. Astrocytes were hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Meanwhile, the degenerative astrocytes were also found. Oligodenodrocytes and microglial cell were hyperplasia too. The swellon and degenernatial neuropil were found. A series of ultrastructural changes of permeability-increase of blood-brain barrier (BBB) of heroin-addicted rats existed. The glial perivascular feet and astrocytes surrounding the basement membrance were swellon. Expression levels of GFAP increased sighificantly. There was not position differentiae among these pathological changes in this experience. Ultrastructural image and expression <WP=5>levels of GFAP in the brain of control group were normal. Conclusion: Widespread pathology ultrastruceural changes have been found in the heroin-addicted rats brain tissue, including neuronal somas and processes, glial cells ,neuropil and BBB, of which degeneration is a main form of pathology and apoptosis is the main form of neuron death .Accordingly,astrocytes were hyperplasia and expression level of GFAP increased significantly. This experim ent didn’t demonstrated that there was position differentiae in the lesions of brain tissue which were made by heroin addiltion.

【关键词】 海洛因成瘾动物模型超微结构GFAP
【Key words】 Heroinaddictionanimal modelbrainultrastructureGFAP
  • 【分类号】R361
  • 【下载频次】121

