

Study on Morphogenesis and Physiological Mechanism of L.×Formolongi’s Bulblet

【作者】 郝京辉

【导师】 义鸣放;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以新铁炮百合品种‘雷山一号’为试材,对鳞片扦插籽球的形态发生、生长发育及其生理机制进行了较系统的研究,以寻求适宜的成球条件和促成技术,为新铁炮百合大规模无性繁育提供理论依据和实际指导。试验表明: 1、新铁炮百合实生植株在一年内完成一个生长周期,花芽分化期是新铁炮百合实生植株地上和地下器官生长发育的转折点,花芽分化期前主要是地上部分的生长发育,花芽分化期后则侧重地下鳞茎的膨大增重。地下鳞茎由原生鳞茎和侧生鳞茎两部分组成,其生长发育可划分为5个阶段:原生鳞茎分化期、原生鳞茎膨大期、侧生鳞茎形成期、鳞茎快速膨大期、鳞茎充实期。 2、新铁炮百合不同层次鳞片发生籽球的数量和质量不同,籽球繁殖率大小排序为外层>中层>内层,且外中层鳞片形成的籽球质量好于内层。造成这种差异有两方面的原因: 1)鳞片的起源和成熟度不同。外层鳞片来源于胚,属于原生鳞茎,内中层鳞片则属于侧生鳞茎,两者虽然同源,但内层鳞片分化时间晚,成熟度低。 2)由于鳞片生理年龄的不同,各层鳞片可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖和激素含量存在显著差异,总体来说,外层鳞片营养物质和激素含量高,且生理活性大。 光照可调节鳞片内激素的含量和各种激素间的比例,促进鳞片内营养物质的有效降解和利用,是促进扦插鳞片籽球形成和生长发育的重要环境因素。 3、新铁炮百合鳞片扦插籽球的形态发生不经过愈伤组织形成阶段,属于直接的器官发生,其发生过程可分为启动期、细胞旺盛分裂期、器官分化期三个阶段。

【Abstract】 With the variety ’leishan No.1’ of L. ×formolongi, this experiment studied growth and development of seeding plant ,bulblet morphogenesis and the physiological mechanism, the results indicate:1. Seeding plant of L. ×formolongi complete one growth periodicity in one year, the stage of differentiation of flower bud is the pivotal point of growth progress, the plant grows vigorous before differentiation of flower bud and the bulb gets luxuriant growth after differentiation of flower bud. The grow progress of bulb is divided to 5 stages: probulb idiophase, probulb enlargement stage, primarybulb idiophase, bulb weight fast gain stage and bulb plenum stage.2.Different scale cutting made different propagation rate of bulblet.The order is: exothecium scale>mososphere sale>penetralium scale,there are two reasons:1) The origin and maturity extent of different layer scale is different, exothecium scale is derived from embryo, the mososphere sale and penetralium scale are derived from probulb, the mososphere sale is formatted earlier than the penetralium scale.2) The soluble protein the soluble sugar and hormone content of different layer scale is different, by and large the exothecium scale has more physiologic active substance.The results also showed that light can increase the number and the weight of bulblet during the scale cutting propagation.3.This paper showed the bulblet morphogenesis of L. ×formolongi in scale propagation. The process of bulblet morphogenesis is divided to 3 stages: prepare stage,cell-booming-fission-stage and organ- formation-stage. The bulblets originated from the inner parenchyma tissue of scale not callus tissue.

  • 【分类号】S682.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】271

