

Study on Water Requirement of Tomato Growing in the Solar Greenhouse

【作者】 许金香

【导师】 高丽红;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 蔬菜, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验在北方常见的日光温室中研究了不同茬口番茄栽培的需水规律。在日光温室不同季节进行番茄栽培,其环境因子差异显著。在冬春茬,光照强度逐渐增强,日照时数延长,气温和土温逐步增高,空气的相对湿度逐步降低,整个环境朝着适宜番茄生长的方向发展;相反在秋冬茬光强逐步减弱,日照时数缩短,温度逐渐降低,温室中的相对湿度逐步升高,整个环境朝着不适宜番茄生长发育的方向发展。 由于人为打顶,在冬春茬和秋冬茬栽培的番茄株高和叶片数无明显的差别,但是秋冬茬番茄的叶面积却显著多于冬春茬,单株番茄的叶面积在秋冬茬比在冬春茬多1165.5cm~2,是冬春茬叶面积的136.32%。 不同季节、不同生育期番茄栽培的需水量不同,在相同季节的相同生育期内天气不同番茄每天的需水量也不相同。总体来说冬春茬番茄栽培的需水量大于秋冬茬番茄栽培的需水量;在同一茬口的同一生育期,晴天的需水量远大于阴天的需水量,大约为阴天需水量的2~4倍。在冬春茬,番茄的需水量逐步增大。在秋冬茬番茄的需水量逐步减少。在日光温室进行番茄栽培,通过番茄植株蒸腾的水量占没有棵间覆盖时总需水量的14.58%~69.59%,这一比值在高温时比在低温时高,但在同一生育期的晴天和阴天相差不大,阴天的比值甚至比晴天的比值稍高。 棵间无覆盖时番茄的需水量冬春茬为185.95m~3,秋冬茬为139.93m~3;棵间完全覆盖时番茄的需水量冬春茬为85.43m~3,秋冬茬为85.58m~3。 日光温室中的环境因子在不同季节与番茄栽培需水量的相关性不同。在冬春茬与番茄栽培需水量相关性大的是温度和空气相对湿度,而在秋冬茬与番茄栽培需水量相关性最大的是光照强度。此外,本试验在大量的试验基础上给出了中杂9号番茄品种的叶面积计算经验公式,为番茄叶面积的计算提供了可能。

【Abstract】 The environment differs a lot in different seasons in the solar greenhouse. In the solar greenhouse light become stronger, temperature become higher and the humidity become lower in winter-spring. On the other hand, light become weaker, temperature become lower and the humidity in the solar greenhouse become higher in autumn-winter. In a word, tomato grows better in winter-spring , but in autumn-winter tomato grows not so good. For human control, the height and the number of leaves have little difference between in autumn winter and winter spring, but the leaf area per plant in autumn is 1165.5cm2 larger than that in winter-spring, and is 136.32% of that in winter-spring.Tomato needs different amount of water in different season or in different growth state, even in the same season and growth state, tomato needs different amount of water in different weather. In winter spring tomato needs 185.95m3 water when the soil is not covered; needs 85.43m3 water when soil is covered. In autumn winter tomato needs 139.93m3 water when the soil is not covered; needs 85.58m3 water when soil is covered.The interrelation between water requirement and environment in solar greenhouse differs in different season . In winter-spring temperature and humidity has a higher correlation than light, in autumn, light has the highest correlation with water requirement of tomato growing in solar greenhouse. A formula is also provided to calculate tomato leave area.

【关键词】 日光温室番茄蒸腾蒸发需水量
【Key words】 solar greenhousetomatotranspirationevaporationwater requirement
  • 【分类号】S641.207
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】712

