

Research on the Effects on Growth of Cucumber under Generant of Re-formed Salted Soil in Sunlight Greenhouse in Ningxia

【作者】 李程

【导师】 沈火林;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 蔬菜, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对宁夏银川地区不同使用年限的日光温室黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)生产中的施肥状况和土壤可溶性盐进行了调查分析,并以Ca(NO32和NaCl按5:1比例混合后的不同复盐浓度模拟土壤次生盐渍化,观察分析了模拟条件下对黄瓜生长、产量、品质、抗病性,以及光合特性和营养吸收的影响。结果表明: 1.宁夏银川地区日光温室黄瓜生产中,氮肥施用量普遍过高,尿素的施用量超过正常需要量近6倍;不同土层可溶性盐含量以20~40cm为最高。主要用于栽培黄瓜的日光温室在使用2~5a后,不同土层的可溶性盐含量在3~4g/kg之间。 2.随着复盐处理浓度的增加,黄瓜未催芽播种和催芽播种的出苗率都呈现出了减少的趋势,示催芽播种所受影响更严重;幼苗存活率,不同生育时期株高、茎粗、干鲜重等呈现出减少趋势;始花期明显推迟,第一雌花节位有所升高,瓜条长度显著缩短,畸形瓜发生率大幅度提高;苗期子叶、真叶叶绿素含量显著提高;0.1%复盐处理的光合速率最高,但随着复盐处理浓度增加,黄瓜光合作用受到明显的抑制,光合作用的主要限制因素应是气孔因素,PSⅡ反应中心没有被破坏,从0.4%复盐处理开始,有加重黄瓜发生光抑制程度的可能;不同生育时期,黄瓜全N、P、K吸收量呈现出明显减少的趋势;0.2%、0.3%、0.4%复盐处理早期产量和总产量分别比对照减产26.4%、53.4%、83.5%和22.4%、57.9%、86.5%;Vc、可溶性糖和粗蛋白含量有所升高,但同时NO2-、NO3-含量也呈显著增加趋势;此外,病害发病率大幅度提高。 3.在0.2%复盐处理下,华南型品种湘园2号未催芽播种、催芽播种的出苗率和幼苗存活率受到的影响大于华北型;进入始瓜期后,在株高、茎粗、干鲜重等方面的生长量明显低于华北型,虽然始花期较早,但瓜条商品性较差;华南型品种苗期叶片叶绿素含量与华北型差异不显著,但在生长旺盛期显著减少;在苗期,最大光合速率、Gs在两种基因型之间差异不大,华南型品种湘园2号的最大蒸腾速率和水分利用效率明显高于华北型,但Ci低于华北型:湘园2号Fm、Fv值明显低于华北型,但Fo、Fv/Fm值两者之间差异不明显;湘园2号全N、P、K吸收量在苗期与华北型之间差异较小,始瓜期、盛瓜期和末瓜期等几个生育期中全N、P、K吸收量明显低于华北型晶种;华南型品种湘园2号早期产量与华北型之间没有差异,但后期产量显著低于华北型;Vc和可溶性糖含量显著高于华北型,粗蛋白含量显著低于华北型;NO2-和NO3-的积累量显著低于华北型,不同基因型NO2-和NO3-的含量都未超标;华南型和华北型之间病害发病率无明显差别。

【Abstract】 The fertilization of production of cucumber in sunlight greenhouse of different using time and salt content in different horizons of soil were investigated in Ningxia ying chuan region, research on the effects on growth, yield, quality, disease resistance, photosynthesis and nutrition absorb of cucumber under generant of re-formed salted soil in sunlight greenhouse in Ningxia, modeling different characteristics of re-formed salted soil by adding mixed salt of Ca(NO3) 2 and NaCl (5:1) in dry earth. The main results as follow:1 .The nitrogen application was at high level in cucumber culturing in Ningxia ying chuan region, the carbamide amount was six times of normal amount; soil salt was of highest level in the top soil (0-20cm). The salt content in different horizons of soil in sunlight greenhouse has been 3~4g/kg after used 2~3 years.2. With mixed salt concentration increasing, Influence on rate of emergence of cucumber at non-germination treatment was more serious; existent amount of seeding and three index of growth amount at different stages were decreased : start florescence was postponed, location of the first femal flower was ascended, the length of melon was cut down obviously, unbalanced melon happened rate was increased; Chlorophy II content of cotyledon and foliage increased at plantlet stage obviously; the Pn of 0.1% mixed salt concentration was the highest, but With mixed salt concentration increasing, photosynthesis of cucumber was repressed obviously, the main limitational factor was stoma element, PS II was not damaged, from 0.4% mixed salt content, the probability of causing photoinhibition increased; the accumulated uptake amount of total N, P and K was lower at different growth; early yield and total output of 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% mixed salt content were decreased seriously; Vc, roughly protein, soluble sugar and NO2,NO3- content in the cucumber fruits increased; outsides, incidence of disease will be raised by a wide margin.3.At 0.4% mixed salt content treatment, the effected degree of rate of emergence and existent amount of seeding of Hua Nan genotype xiang yuan N0.2 at different germination treatment were higher than that of Hua Bei genotype; entering early fruit stage, the stem height and perimeter , fresh weight and dry weight of Hua Nan genotype strain were lower than that of Hua Bei genotype, although start florescence was the earliest, goods feature of melon strips was worse; Chlorophy II content of Hua Nan genotype strain leaf had no remarkable differences compared with Hua Bei genotype at plantlet stage, but it was lower than Hua Bei genotype at vigorous stage; two genotypes have no differences to the highest Pn and Gs, the highest Tr and the highest WUE of Hua Nan genotype strain in a day were higher than that of Hua Bei genotype obviously at plantlet stage, but Ci was contrary; Fm and Fv of Hua Nan genotype strain of xiang yuan N0.2 were lower than that of Hua Bei genotype obviously, but there were no differences between two genotypes in Fo and Fv/Fm; the accumulated uptake amount of total N, P and K of Hua Nan genotype strain were the same as Hua Bei genotype at plantlet stage, but those werelower than Hua Bei genotype at early fruit, mid fruit and late fruit stage; there was no differences between two genotypes in early yield, total output of Hua Nan genotype strain of xiang yuan N0.2 was lower than that of Hua Bei genotype;Vc, soluble sugar and NO2-, NO3- content in the cucumber fruits of Hua Nan genotype strain were higher than Hua Bei genotype greatly, but roughly protein was contrary, NO2, NO3-, content in the cucumber fruits of different genotypes weren’t superstandard; there was no differences between two genotypes in incidence of disease.

  • 【分类号】S642.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】287

