

Research & Development on Receiver and Controller for Laser Controlled Land Leveling System

【作者】 林建涵

【导师】 汪懋华;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业电气化与自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 应用激光平地技术可明显改善农田表面的平整精度和种床条件,提高地面灌溉质量,是建设现代节水农业的一个重要工具。本研究是国家“十五”重大科技专题的子课题“精细地面灌溉技术研究—激光控制平地系统研究与开发”的主要组成部分,旨在消化吸收国外先进技术的基础上,通过原理分析和试验实践,跟踪电子元件发展新趋势,选择一种适用于激光控制平地系统的国产激光发射器,研究开发一套适合在我国推广应用、性能良好、成本较低、具有自主知识产权和面向农田土地精平作业的激光接收和控制装置。 根据颜色玻璃的特性,选择了滤光片的主要性能指标,实现有效的滤光处理;通过对适合激光接收的光电器件性能对比研究,选择了国产硅光电池为光电传感器,并合理设计其空间分布,使接收器工作无死角;采用了幅度调制的方法,使低频微弱的模拟信号在现场很低信噪比的条件下实现了可靠接收;设计了低噪声、抗干扰能力良好的微弱信号调理电路;研究开发了一个价格较低、性能较好的激光接收器产品原型样机。 利用微处理器系统和融入模糊控制规则的嵌入式控制软件,研制了一个价格较低、与国内外平地机液压调节系统兼容的控制器。 自主设计研制的激光接收器与控制器,和通过比较研究及试验检验证明可行的国产激光发射器组成激光控制系统,通过室内和室外试验验证该系统可以正常工作后,在旱田和水田进行了平地试验。试验结果表明:该系统可以正常工作,接收器的工作精度为3mm,控制器与国内外液压控制阀的兼容性较好。 最后对研究成果进行了总结,提出改善该系统的途径。

【Abstract】 Laser-controlled land leveling system is an important tool for precision surface irrigation. It can obviously improve the land leveling accuracy and seedbed conditions on the field, achieve a high quality of surface flood irrigation. This research was a part of the project " Research and Development on laser controlled leveling system" and aimed to develop a lower-cost laser receiver and controller with good performances for precision land leveling.A laser receiver was developed based on domestic photoelectric elements. The low-power analog signal was amplitude-modulated in low SNR. With the specifications of color glass, the high-transmission filter with narrow pass bandwidth was investigated to prevent from environment light disturbance. A low-noise preamplifier was designed to amplify the low-power signal. The elements were mounted with appropriate arrangement on the bracket so that the receiver was to work without dead angle.A single-chip microprocessor-based controller was developed to process the preconditioned laser signal to control the hydraulic system on the scraper. The fuzzy logic control was used to develop the system control software.In the dry and paddy fields these two devices were integrated to test with good results. The accuracy of laser receiver was about 3 mm. The controller was compatible with both domestic and imported hydraulic valves.Finally, there were a summarization of the research and some ideas to improve the system.

  • 【分类号】S12
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】262

