

The Improvement to Equipment of HVEF and the Effect of HVEF on Some Climacteric Fruits

【作者】 叶青

【导师】 李里特;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 食品科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 前人在关于高压静电场保鲜的研究中没有涉及高压静电场产生的臭氧对果蔬的作用,本研究首先研究了前人的高压静电场保鲜试验台内产生的臭氧的浓度,发现其浓度达到了作用于果蔬的最低浓度值,于是利用涂布绝缘漆以及加装臭氧隔绝装置的方法改造了前人的高压静电保鲜试验装置,并以番茄为试材,对单纯高压静电场的保鲜效果进行了初评,试验结果发现,改进后的高压静电保鲜装置能够有效地排除臭氧对果蔬的影响;单纯利用高压静电场保鲜果蔬也有明显的效果。 本研究通过试验选用了100kV/m,2h/d的电场作用条件,以苹果、桃和梨这三种呼吸跃变型果实为试材,研究了单纯高压静电场对果实感官属性、腐烂率、失重率、呼吸强度、硬度、可溶性糖含量、可滴定酸含量以及Vc含量等采后品质的影响,并且从活性氧代谢入手,研究了高压静电场对SOD活性、CAT活性、MDA含量以及相对电导率的影响。 结果发现高压静电场处理能够降低几种呼吸跃变型果实采后的腐烂率、失重率,并能使果实保持良好的外观品质,可以抑制果实的呼吸作用和可溶性糖含量的积累,抑制果实硬度、可滴定酸含量和Vc含量的降低;并且外加高压静电场后,提高了超氧化物歧化酶SOD和过氧化氢酶CAT的活性,抑制了丙二醛MDA和果实相对电导率的升高,保持了果实细胞膜的完整性,延缓了嗯果实的衰老。:

【Abstract】 In this research, the generating ability of ozone in the previous equipment was measured at first, and found that the concentration of ozone in storage space was higher enough to influence the fruit. So the previous equipment was changed by painting insulative oil paint and add an isolation fixing, the result is the generating ability was reduced to low can be ignored in the changed equipment, and to tomato, only the High Voltage static Electric Field (HVEF) still can keep it fresh.In the research, 100kV/m and 2h/d were chosen by experiment. And apple, peach and pear were investigated in it. Some index of post-harvest qualities were measured during storage such as sensory property, rot rate, weight loose rate, respiratory activity, fruit firmness, content of dissolvable sugar, acidity, content of Vc. And SOD activity, CAT activity, content of MDA and relative conductance was measured as the index about the active oxygene metabolism system.The results are: The HVEF can reduce the rot rate and weight loose rate, restrained breath and the accumulation of dissolvable sugar, and the HVEF can restrained the reduction of firmness, acidity and content of Vc. The HVEF advanced SOD and CAT activity in fruit, restrained the increase of content of MDA and relative conductance. So, the HVEF can reduced the maturating and senescence speed by advancing the activity of enzyme clean out the superoxide and hydrogen peroxide and keep integrality of membrane.

【关键词】 高压静电场臭氧品质活性氧代谢
【Key words】 HVEFozonequalityactive oxygene metabolism system
  • 【分类号】TS255
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】341

