

Study on the Soil Improvement Technique for Waterlogged Land

【作者】 艾天成

【导师】 靳乐山;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 涝渍地是易涝易渍耕地的简称,通常指常年或季节性滞水的农业用地。涝渍地实际上是湿地中已被农业利用的一种土地资源,即农业湿地。本研究利用田间试验、室内分析、调查调研和试验示范相结合方法,系统的研究了涝渍地土壤改良技术。研究结果分述如下: 涝渍地土壤土层深厚、疏松易耕;地下水位过高、结构性和渗透性不良、三相比例失调,水多气少,固相率偏高;土壤养分含量丰富,速效养分不足,有机质品质较差,还原性物质积累。地下水位、土壤结构、土壤三相、耕层厚度和还原性物质需要改良。 湖垸地貌或碟形地貌土壤肥力的空间分布特征,从西到东方向上均表现为较弱的空间相关性,至北向南方向上,速效钾和有机质较强的空间相关性;定位观测表明,土壤有机质和碱解氮年递减量分别为1.11g/kg和1.68mg/kg。涝渍地土壤肥力呈下降趋势。 在有效时段内暗管埋设时间越长,对土壤的理化性质影响越大,排水改良效果越好;暗管排水有利于土壤盐分向下迁移;暗管排水对水稻的株高、产量构成因素和产量的影响不大,这可能与暗管埋设年限过短有关。 土地平整达到了平整目标;土地平整大大的降低耕层土壤养分含量;土地平整前后土壤物理性质变化较大,平整后土壤物理性质较平整前变坏,因此建议平整土地时进行表土处理。 水旱轮作能有效地降低地下水位、改善土壤通气条件、增强土壤养分的有效性,有效降低水稻栽培期土壤还原性物质的含量;如不重视培肥,土壤有机质有减少的趋势、土壤有效磷含量降低,应注意旱季作物磷肥的施用。 稻草还田以留高茬(25~30cm)加堆肥还田效果最好,既能提高有机质含量、改善土壤理化性质,又能为水稻提供一定的养分。棉秆还田的必备条件是机械化作业程度高;棉秆还田能有效提高土壤通气空隙的数量、土壤的渗透性能、提高土壤有机质含量;降低土壤容重、降低土壤硬度。 流入施肥法适合土地平整、灌溉条件好、人多地少或农业人口老龄化和血吸虫疫区等平原湖区稻田。流入施肥与人工撒播同样可使肥料在田间分布均匀,除一个溶解肥料的容器外,不需其他设备,因此流入施肥法是可行的。流入施肥后5天内不能排水。国产复合肥可替代进口流入肥料。 缓释肥料IBDU和OM分别比尿素增产6.24%和3.09%;缓释肥料氮素利用率高,IBDU和OM与尿素相比,分别增加了14.62%和8.57%。IBDU最适合水稻施用,水稻施用缓释肥料时,应在分裂期和灌浆期补施一定数量的速效氮肥,以提高作物的产量和改善品质。

【Abstract】 Waterlogged land is a kind of cultivation land which is easily logged with water seasonally or perennially. The waterlogged land is actually agricultural wetland which is a kind of land resources used by agriculture. This research made a systematic study on waterlogged soil reclamation technology through the combined means of field trials, lab analysis, investigation and survey, and demonstrations. The research results are as follows.Waterlogged land soil has some characteristics which can be described as (1) with deep and soft soil layer resulted in easily cultivated, (2) with high groundwater level led to poor soil structure, poor water permeation, imbalance of soild-liquid-vapour ratio for the soil which has too much water and too little air and solid percentage is high in the soil, (3) with rich total soil nutrients but inadequate available nutrients, poor organic matter quality, and accumulation of reduction matter. Therefore, soil reclamation work should be done on lowering groundwater level, improving soil structure, adjusting the soild-liquid-vapour ratio, regulating cultivated soil layer and reducing reduction matter in the soil.The soil fertility geographical features showed that all parameters had some relationship from west to east and soil available K and organic matter content had significant relationship from north to south. Long term investigation result showed soil organic matter and available N content yearly decreased by 1.11 g/kg and 1.68 mg/kg, respectively. It indicated the waterlogged soil fertility has decline tendency.The physical and chemical properties of soil are significantly improved after drainage pipes were placed deep in the land, by which soil salinity was shifted downwards. However, the field trial showed that rice growth and yield were not significantly improved by the use of drainage pipes probably due to short period of the pipes placed.The general aim of land level was achieved. Nevertheless, the study showed that top soil nutrients content was decreased by a big margin after land level. The soil physical properties also damaged greatly compared with without level. So top soil treatment is a suggestion when take land level measure.Crop rotation with rice and upland crops could lower the groundwater level, improve soil aeration condition, increase soil available nutrients content, and decrease soil reduction matter content during rice planting season. Soil organic matter and available P content would decrease if fertilization was neglected, which indicated P fertilizer should be applied when upland crops planted.The treatment with left high rice straw (25-30cm) and compost application achieved good results for rice straw replacement which improved soil organic matter and physical and chemical properties as well as supplied some nutrients for rich growth. High level of mechanization is the base for cotton straw replacement to the field. It showed that replacement of cotton straw had lots of advantages such as improving soil aeration space, permeation, organic matter content, and decreasing soil density and hardness.Fertilizer inflow application method applies to the wetland paddy soil with land leveled, good irrigation condition, large population and small land, or for elderly agricultural population, and schistosomiasis area. Compared with broadcast, no other equipments except a container in which fertilizer dissolved will need for inflow application method and the fertilizer can be well-distributed in the field, so this fertilization method is suitable. It need no water drain off from the field within 5 days after inflow application. Compound fertilizer made domestic can instead of inflow fertilizer import abroad.The trials results showed that crops yield increased by 6.24 per cent with long lasting nitrogen fertilizer IBDU and by 3.09 per cent with OM compared with urea treatment. Coefficient of N utilization with IBDU increased by 14.62% and with OM increased by 8.57%, respectively. IBDU is most applicable for rice planting. In order to improve both rice

  • 【分类号】S156
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】389

