

Research on One Discussion over Each Matter, the System to Raise Fund and Labor in Rural China

【作者】 王越祥

【导师】 朱启臻;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “一事一议”筹资筹劳,是农村税费改革的一项重要内容。随着我国农村税费改革试点的开展和全面推进,“一事一议”筹资筹劳在不少地方已进入实践阶段,较早的一些试点地区正在逐步形成一种制度。但是,这项制度的建立和实施,面对着许多的困境和制约因素,导致了不少村庄有事不议、有事难议、有事乱议、议而不决或决而不行,甚至“搭车”收费、巧立名目收费等,使“一事一议”很难达到制度设计者所设想的效果和目的。本论文的创新之处,就是综合运用公共物品供给、社会自治、收费理论等方面的一观点,结合笔者多年的工作实践和社会调查,对“一事一议”筹资筹劳制度设计的合理性与可行性,困境与制约因素,以及对策选择等方面进行了一次比较系统的理论分析与实证研究。主要内容包括:“一事一议”筹资筹劳的政策框架与理论分析、中国村民自治现状与“一事一议”实践评价、主要困境与对策选择等。本文提出的主要观点:“一事一议”筹资筹劳难以承担农村公共物品供给的主体责任,只能作为一种过渡性政策和制度,起一些应急性或缓冲作用;彻底取消农业税和“一事一议”收费,给中国农民减轻负担,给中国村民自治组织减轻压力,政府责无旁贷地承担起农村公共物品供给主体的责任,是中国农村发展的一种内在要求和必然趋势。该文还从统筹城乡发展、取消二元供给体制、给农民以平等国民待遇,以及壮大农村集体经济、千方百计增加农民收入、进一步完善和规范“一事一议”等多方面,提出了对策和建议。

【Abstract】 One Discussion over Each Matter, the system to raise fund and labor, is the important content of tax reform in Rural China. With the unfolding and developing of tax reform experimental unit, it is being practiced in many areas. Some areas that began to use it earlier have developed it into a system. But the establishment and practice of it face many troubles and restricting factors. These factors lead to many problems, e.g. not discussing over matters, discussing difficultly and disorderly, not reaching decision, not practicing the decision or collecting money without reasons. This system can hardly achieve the expected effect and purpose. This paper, by using integrated public product supply, social autonomy, fee-collecting theory and through combining with the author several year’s working experience and social investigation, study systematically and positively on the reasonability and feasibility of the system of One Discussion over each Matter, and its dilemma, restrictively factors, and method choosing. The main contents of the paper include those below: analyzing on the policy frame and theory to One Discussion over Each Matter; experiential assessment to the situation of rural autonomy of China and One Discussion over Each Matter; its main difficulty and method choice. The main viewpoints of this paper are as below: the system of raising funds and labors to the One Discussion over Each Matter can not be hold as the main responsibility of rural public product supply, but just hold as a temporary policy and system, just meet emergency and take a buffer function.: abolish thoroughly agricultural tax and fee-collecting for One Discussion over Each Matter; decrease the burdens of Chinese farmers, relief the pressure to rural area autonomous organization; the government should take the main responsibility of rural public product supply. Those all above are inner demand and trends of Chinese rural development. It put forwards methods and proposals by abolish of dualistic supply system of development of city and rural, giving farmer the equal national citizenship by the development of the city and rural area together; advance the rural collective economy, increase the farmer’s income and regulation of One Discussion over Each Matter.

  • 【分类号】F320
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】353

