

Studies on Post-harvest Physiology and Chemicals Screening for Storage of Winter-jujube

【作者】 邹东云

【导师】 李学锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农药学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验研究了冬枣采后贮藏过程中与衰老(褐变、酒软、腐烂)有关的物质变化及酶活性变化,对冬枣采后贮藏生理进行了分析;同时根据冬枣衰老变化的规律筛选实用的贮藏保鲜化学药剂。结果表明:冬枣属于非跃变型呼吸类型;常温贮藏过程中极易失水;冬枣采后贮藏过程中多聚半乳糖醛酸酶、纤维素酶的活性下降;淀粉酶活性前期上升,后期下降;果胶甲酯酶活性上升;乙醇含量上升;维生素C含量下降。其中乙醇和淀粉酶与冬枣硬度关系最密切,乙醇含量和维生素C含量呈负相关,果胶甲酯酶、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶、纤维素酶是枣果软化的关键酶但并非决定酶。在选择的几种药剂中,不同温度条件下保鲜效果差距较大,低温冷库下有较好的保鲜效果。在低温冷库贮藏条件下,不同浓度和不同的药剂中以500 uL·L-1施保克保鲜效果最好,可有效地抑制冬枣的软化,贮藏至60d时其商品率仍然可以达到89.4%的较高水平,是一种较为理想的实用保鲜技术。无论采用何种保鲜技术,在贮藏后期冬枣都极易腐烂,这可能与其复杂的衰老机理有关,也是值得继续深入研究的课题。

【Abstract】 In this paper, changes of the substance and activities of en2ymes about post-harvest physiology of winter-jujube were studied and several chemicals were screened for winter-jujube storage based on the analyses of the post-harvest physiology and the senescence mechanism. The results showed that, during storage, distinct respiration peaks were not found; the lost of water was easy and quick at the normal temperature. The softening of the harvested winter-jujube was coincided with the decrease of polygalacturonase activity and carboxymethylcellulose. Amylase activity increased at the beginning of storage and decreased at last, pectinmethylesterases activity increased, ethanol content increased, Vc content was negatively correlated with ethanol. Ethanol content and amylase activity have most important impact on the firmness of winter-jujube was found after statistic analyses. Several chemicals were screened for winter-jujube storage. In all treatments, -l癈+500 uL L--1 prochloraz+holed plastic film can effectively inhibit the softening of winter-jujube. With this treatment the ratio of sellable fruit touches to 89.4 percent , it is distinct higher than another treatment or none treatment. The fruits tend to decay at later period of storage though they were treated by chemicals and low temperature and other technologies.

  • 【分类号】S665.109
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】492

